#baseball #softball #wba #wbafoxes #rawlings #glove #garmin #garminepix #garminepix2
Il y a du rouge. Donc c’était une bonne séance 😅
#garmin #garminepix #garminepix2 #epix #epix2 #garminfrance #fractionné #entrainement #instarun #instarunfrance #nakanch https://t.co/AclSOzCcPJ https://t.co/v2azspz0XK
#garmin #GarminEpix #garminepix2 #epix #Epix2 #garminfrance #fractionne #entrainement #instarun #instarunfrance #nakanch
Séance du jour: ✅
#garmin #garminfrance #garminepix #garminepix2 #swim #batation #training #triathlon #nakanch https://t.co/KsAv2l9itL https://t.co/pHQ3MqurT2
#garmin #garminfrance #GarminEpix #garminepix2 #swim #batation #training #triathlon #nakanch
Holy freaking crap on a stick. New high score. First time breaking 200. That was insane!
#bowling #fitness #garmin #garminepix2
Got this assessment from #Garmin today after my workout. I did skip a suggested rest day since I was feeling pretty fresh still. And in fact still feel really strong.
Today was a super easy recovery #run.
I was planning on doing some strength work tomorrow. But maybe I’ll limit myself just to an extended walk.
While I don’t consider Garmins assessments infallible, I do find it to be pretty reliable.
#garmin #run #fitness #running #garminepix2
Just finishing up my morning workout. Too icy for an outdoor run. So doing some indoor lifting instead.
#fitness #lifting #strengthtraining #garmin #garminepix2
I’ve been a #Garmin user for over a decade at this point. My first one was the #Forerunner305 I got back in 2010. After a few bike crashes, my 305 started to physically fall apart. I was also getting more serious about triathlons and was gifted a #Forerunner910XT as a replacement. In 2016, I upgraded to the #Fenix3HR which I used daily until just 2 years ago. To this day, it still works perfectly!
2 years ago, I upgraded to the#Fenix6s. I wanted to try a small watch and a LOT of features had been in those 4 years. It was great. Loved the size and everything it could do. But I only got to use it for about a year. My wife struggles with sleep, and wanted to get better data so I traded my fenix6s with better sleep metrics for her #Forerunner245. The 245 is a good watch, but after living with Fenix watches for 5 years, it just feels like a toy. I wanted an upgrade.
Yesterday, I got myself the #GarminEpix2. I’m pretty hyped. Basically an AMOLED #Fenix7.
#garmin #forerunner305 #forerunner910xt #fenix3hr #forerunner245 #garminepix2 #fenix7
I never wore watches. Except, that is, for my #Garmin Venu, which I wore for #cycling.
Then, the #AppleWatchUltra came out, and I got curious. I’m an #Apple guy, so I made this video: https://youtu.be/FUn8TTB3vB0. It’s me deciding whether I should get an #AWU or #AppleWatch Series 7.
But then I started wondering if I should go with Garmin again. So I started testing the #GarminEpix2, since I also do a lot of #Hiking now. Video upcoming.
And now I’m getting into the #watches rabbit hole, and am really lusting after this beauty from #Casio, the GM110EARTH-1.
Yes, it’s a trinket, but boy is it tempting…
Anyone from the #CasioCult here to speak on this? I’ve no experience with Casio #GShock, but they do look nice.
#garmin #cycling #applewatchultra #Apple #awu #applewatch #garminepix2 #hiking #Watches #casio #CasioCult #gshock
Maintenir un niveau de charge d'entrainement idéal. Ni trop, ni trop peu. Qui arrive à bien équilibrer son entrainement? Avec ou sans l'aide des algorithmes?
#garmin #garminfrance #epix2 #epix #garminepix #garminepix2 #entrainement #instarun #insta… https://t.co/uY6QOhQ7h6 https://t.co/W8OcWcEmXq
#garmin #garminfrance #Epix2 #epix #GarminEpix #garminepix2 #entrainement #instarun #insta
Garmin ajoute le rapport matinal et la puissance en course a pied au poignet (sans aucun autre capteur) dans la dernière version alpha des fenix 7 et Epix 2.
#garmin #garminfrance #epix #epix2 #garminepix2 #garminepix #nakanch https://t.co/kjc5hGsZ9l https://t.co/5Ll73ioKFD
#garmin #garminfrance #epix #Epix2 #garminepix2 #GarminEpix #nakanch
L’objectif: continuer une fois par semaine, quelle que soit la température!
#garmin #garminfrance #epix2 #garminepix2 #epix #garminepix #leman #coldswim #lake #swim #nage #eaufroide #nakanch https://t.co/fv15EAtXPK https://t.co/fraV0WPEoj
#garmin #garminfrance #Epix2 #garminepix2 #epix #GarminEpix #leman #coldswim #lake #swim #nage #eaufroide #nakanch
Epix 2 Solar
#garmin #garminfrance #garminepix #garminepix2 #epix #epix2 #solar #energy #charge #nakanch https://t.co/KTEXMYHcsH https://t.co/1NBI7Ljo1A
#garmin #garminfrance #GarminEpix #garminepix2 #epix #Epix2 #solar #energy #charge #nakanch
L’océan Atlantique n’est pas si froid…
#garmin #garminfrance #epix2 #garminepix2 #atlantique #ocean #temperature #nakanch https://t.co/o9Q8aHnj6Z https://t.co/oEkRNa6uzj
#garmin #garminfrance #Epix2 #garminepix2 #atlantique #ocean #temperature #nakanch
Sur une préparation marathon, quels sont vos plus longues sorties?
#garmin #garminfrance #garminepix2 #epix2 #longrun #sortielongue #instarun #instarun #prepamarathon #marathon #nycmarathon #marathontraining #nakanch https://t.co/FTiqF0eg3I https://t.co/iLDZALWvBQ
#garmin #garminfrance #garminepix2 #Epix2 #longrun #sortielongue #instarun #prepamarathon #marathon #nycmarathon #marathontraining #nakanch
Après ça tu m’étonnes que j’ai tout le temps faim comme un 🐻…
#garmin #garminfrance #garminepix2 #garminepix #epix2 #epix #calories #training #triathlon #ironman #instarun #instarunfrance #nakanch https://t.co/PSA7TARx1A https://t.co/12Gu20V8Gk
#garmin #garminfrance #garminepix2 #GarminEpix #Epix2 #epix #calories #training #triathlon #ironman #instarun #instarunfrance #nakanch
Promis… Demain!
#garmin #garminfrance #epix2 #garminepix2 #epix #garminepix #entrainement #recuperation #recup #triathlon #running #courseapied #instarun #instarunfrance #nakanch https://t.co/4xZTxi3EhQ https://t.co/AbnmV64wsV
#garmin #garminfrance #Epix2 #garminepix2 #epix #GarminEpix #entrainement #recuperation #recup #triathlon #running #courseapied #instarun #instarunfrance #nakanch