We continue with poetry as the afternoon winds down to a close. Please enjoy #TartanKeeperOfTheWatch by #GarrettFlagg (Page 41) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
(The background of picture is green with a tartan border. The title and byline are in white print on the green block.)
#tartankeeperofthewatch #garrettflagg #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers
Poetry is a wonderful way to end the evening. Please enjoy #TribeANightBeforeTheFire by #GarrettFlagg (Page 65) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
(Pictured is a large fire on a black background. The title and byline is in white print.)
#tribeanightbeforethefire #garrettflagg #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity