Podcast: Garrett Wang Joins All Access To Talk Rumors, ‘Voyager,’ Podcasting, And Our Star Trek Questionnaire https://trekmovie.com/2023/06/09/podcast-garrett-wang-joins-all-access-to-talk-rumors-voyager-podcasting-and-our-star-trek-questionnaire/ #StarTrek:StrangeNewWorlds #AllAccessStarTrekPodcast #StarTrek:Prodigy #StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrek:Picard #StarTrekVoyager #GarrettWang #Celebrity #VOY
#startrek #allaccessstartrekpodcast #strangenewworlds #startrekvoyager #garrettwang #celebrity #voy
22 years ago, on 31 January 2001, Star Trek: Voyager aired the episode "Repentance" on the American UPN network.
#StarTrek #Voyager #Repentance
#TV #UPN #1990s #2000s
#KateMulgrew #RobertBeltran #RoxannDawson
#JeriRyan #RobertDuncanMcNeill
#RobertPicardo #EthanPhillips #GarrettWang
#TimRuss #JenniferLien
31 Jan 2001 S7E12 Repentance
Voyager rescues a prison warden and prisoners who are set to be executed, testing the crew's own ethical beliefs.
#startrek #voyager #repentance #tv #upn #1990s #2000s #katemulgrew #robertbeltran #roxanndawson #jeriryan #robertduncanmcneill #robertpicardo #ethanphillips #garrettwang #timruss #jenniferlien
Heute feiert Garrett Wang aka Ensign Harry Kim seinen 54. Geburtstag. Nach „Star Trek: Voyager“ habe ich ihn ehrlich gesagt aus den Augen verloren. #HappyBirthday #GarrettWang #StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager
#startrekvoyager #startrek #garrettwang #happybirthday