Another truth, of which I have no experience so I am taking the man's word on how it is –
"Oh, they put my hands in cuffs
Oh boy, they even locked me up
Well I thought that it was all a bluff,
Till they started taking all my stuff"
Gary Clark Jr., "Travis County" (2012)
#JukeboxFridayNight #truthtellers #garyclarkjr
The Brain DJ has placed a stamp of approval (for what it's worth) by bringing up this track for today –
Gary Clark, Jr., "Don't Owe You A Thang" (2010, live 2013~2014 tour)
Driving hard rock-blues …
My personal facourite cover:
Gary Clark Jr, Joe Walsh & Dave Grohl (tribute to The Beatles, 2014)
#beatles #garyclarkjr #joewalsh #davegrohl
But I also like rock that continues to have a critical view of power. My body moves with these lyrics.
e. g.
”This Land” #GaryClarkJr
"Ludens” , “MANTRA” #BringMeTheHorizon
“Native Son“ #AlterBridge
#garyclarkjr #bringmethehorizon #alterbridge
”Rain On Me” #LadyGAGA #ArianaGrande とか
”Kings & Queens” #AvaMax とか
”no tears left to cry” #ArianaGrande とか
”You Need To Calm Down” #TaylorSwift とか
“Anyone Who Loves me” #CharlotteCardin とか。
”This Land” #GaryClarkJr. とか
"Ludens” , “MANTRA” #BringMeTheHorizon とか
“Native Son“ #AlterBridge とか。
#alterbridge #bringmethehorizon #garyclarkjr #charlottecardin #taylorswift #avamax #arianagrande #ladygaga
Watch "Gary Clark Jr.: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert" on YouTube
#TinyDeskConcerts #NPR #GaryClarkJr
#TinyDeskConcerts #npr #garyclarkjr
One more for the songs with place names themed #JukeboxFridayNight - #GaryClarkJr "Travis County." GCJ just blows me away. I love how his albums span several genres. The man can do it all! #music
#jukeboxfridaynight #garyclarkjr #music
Gary Clark Jr - This Land [Official Music Video]
#music #garyclarkjr #mastoradio