Today's post is a recap of how things went at Gary Con Ethereal!
I breakdown how events went each day, share some cool moments I experienced, and drop links for anyone looking to connect with panel speakers!
Check it out on the TTRPGkids site (see link in bio or search "TTRPGkids") and happy gaming!
#ttrpgkids #Garycon #garyconethereal
Today is the last day of Gary Con, and we're closing out the TTRPGkids virtual events with a first look at Tattered Bear (before the official unveil!) and a panel on teaching with TTRPGs!
Call in from anywhere, there's still time to sign up (check the links from the TTRPGkids homepage), and I look forward to chatting!
#ttrpgkids #ttrpg #Garycon #garyconethereal #teaching
Saturday is a big day TTRPGkids at Gary Con Ethereal (virtual)!
Join games for The Fae Team by @almostbedtime or Wyrmlings by @lonecolossus (there's a spot or two left in both!), a talk with Ampersand RPG, and a panel about playing D&D with kids!
Sign up info is on the TTRPGkids site, and I'll see you there!
#Garycon #garyconethereal #ttrpgkids #ttrpg #DnD #dndkids