Vite brevi ed esemplari delle spie / 3 #VjačeslavMichajlovičMolotov #AleksandrMichajlovičOrlov #JurijVladimirovičAndropov #ragazzidiViaPanisperna #EtheleJuliusRosemberg #RudofIvanovičAbel #VladimirSacharov #BrunoPontecorvo #DanielC.Dennett #DashiellHammett #KirtillChenkin #DiegoGabutti #GrahamGreene #AltroQuando #Inghilterra #MiriamMafai #WillyFisher #FrankClose #GaryPowers #KimPhilby #Cremlino #Stalin #URSS #CIA
#VjačeslavMichajlovičMolotov #AleksandrMichajlovičOrlov #JurijVladimirovičAndropov #ragazzidiViaPanisperna #EtheleJuliusRosemberg #RudofIvanovičAbel #VladimirSacharov #BrunoPontecorvo #DanielC #dashiellhammett #KirtillChenkin #diegogabutti #grahamgreene #AltroQuando #inghilterra #MiriamMafai #WillyFisher #FrankClose #garypowers #KimPhilby #cremlino #stalin #urss #cia
I am gobsmacked that "Gary Powers" has not appeared more often in recent days
The correct answer is the #GlienickeBridge. (aka #Bridge of #Spies)
Whilst #GaryPowers and #RudolphAbel were probably better known to the public, #FredericPryor, who had been previously arrested in #EastBerlin, also formed part of the overall swap.
Pryor was released at #CheckpointCharlie in #Berlin, which, once confirmed, allowed the Powers/Abel swap to proceed.
The #BornholmerStraße #border crossing was one of the first points to be breached when the #BerlinWall fell in November, 1989.
#glienickebridge #bridge #spies #garypowers #rudolphabel #fredericpryor #eastberlin #CheckpointCharlie #berlin #bornholmerStraße #border #berlinwall