Instagram - Scientist Rebellion Germany on Instagram: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to #GlobalWarming with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»" "#Exxon's internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that #ClimatChange is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter." "#ExxonMobil didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world." ❗#EXXONKNEW❗ [Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063] #bigoilknew #raymondlee #fossilfuelindustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #fakenews #climatechangedenial #climatedenial #oilindustry #gasindustry #fossilfuellobby #climatescience #climatescientists #climatecrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #scientistrebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #climatejustice #climateprotest #endfossilfuels"

Scientist Rebellion Germany on Instagram: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»" "'s internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter." " didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world." ❗❗ [Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063] "
7 likes, 1 comments - scientistrebellion_ger on August 17, 2023: ""In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil com..."

"In 2015, investigative journalists discovered internal company memos indicating that the oil company @ExxonMobil has known since the late 1970s that its fossil fuel products could lead to with «dramatic environmental effects before the year 2050.»"

"'s internal documents, as well as peer-reviewed studies published by Exxon and ExxonMobil Corp scientists, overwhelmingly acknowledged that is real and human-caused. By contrast, the majority of Mobil and ExxonMobilCorp's public communications promoted doubt on the matter."

" didn't just know “something” about global warming decades ago—they knew as much as academic and government scientists knew. But whereas those scientists worked to communicate what they knew, ExxonMobil worked to deny it—including overemphasizing uncertainties, denigrating climate models, mythologizing global cooling, feigning ignorance about the discernibility of human-caused warming, and staying silent about the possibility of stranded fossil fuel assets in a carbon-constrained world."

[Source: Supran, G., Rahmstorf, S. and Oreskes, N. (2023) 'Assessing ExxonMobil's global warming projections', Science, 379(6628). doi:10.1126/science.abk0063]

#GlobalWarming #exxon #climatchange #exxonmobil #exxonknew #raymondlee #FossilFuelIndustry #fossilfuelindustries #fossilfuels #disinformation #misinformation #FakeNews #climatechangedenial #ClimateDenial #OilIndustry #gasindustry #FossilFuelLobby #ClimateScience #climatescientists #ClimateCrisis #anthropogenicclimatechange #manmade #anthropogenic #thescienceisclear #ScientistRebellion #scientistrebelliongermany #climatefacts #ClimateJustice #ClimateProtest #endfossilfuels

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
1083 followers · 2040 posts · Server

who lived closer to in heavily drilled western were more likely to develop a relatively rare form of , and nearby residents of all ages had an increased chance of severe reactions, researchers said in reports released Tuesday evening. The taxpayer-funded research by the University of Pittsburgh adds to a body of evidence suggesting links between the and certain .

#children #naturalgas #wells #pennsylvania #cancer #asthma #gasindustry #healthproblems #fracking #fossilfuels

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1341 followers · 17534 posts · Server

A study suggests links between and , in

Story by By MARC LEVY, Associated Press, August 15, 2023

"Children who lived closer to wells in heavily drilled Pennsylvania were more likely to develop a relatively rare form of cancer, and nearby residents of all ages had an increased chance of severe asthma reactions, researchers said in reports released Tuesday evening.

"The taxpayer-funded research by the University of Pittsburgh adds to a body of evidence suggesting links between the and certain health problems. The researchers found what they called significant associations between gas industry activity and two ailments: asthma and a relatively rare type of cancer in children called lymphoma."

Read more:

#pennsylvania #fracking #asthma #lymphoma #children #NaturalGas #gasindustry

Last updated 1 year ago

Gerard Mazza · @gerard_mazza
319 followers · 135 posts · Server

Here's an important story from my colleague Eliza Kloser:

"In the North West of Western Australia, 40,000 years ago, Indigenous Australians were carving stories, traditions and information onto what is now known as the world's oldest and largest rock art site.

Today, rock art scientists are in a war of words over how much evidence there is to suggest industrial emissions are damaging the sacred rock art."

Read the full story:

Dissapointing coverage from ABC Pilbara earlier this week of the Murujuga Rock Art Monitoring program only gave one perspective on this important issue - conveniently the perspective that fits with the state government's line that 'industry and culture can coexist' at Murujuga.

As a news organisation dedicated to serving the Pilbara Aboriginal community, Ngaarda Media isn't pressured to fall into line with government and industry orthodoxies.

#pilbara #murujuga #burruphub #rockart #culturalheritage #gasindustry

Last updated 2 years ago

Sydenham News & Views · @se26
26 followers · 314 posts · Server

RT from Archoptical (@archoptical)

Livesey Memorial Hall. Built in tribute to George Livesey and grade 2 listed, along with the perimeter wall. Built with bricks manufactured in the former gasworks behind the building.

Original tweet :

#architecture #livesey #Sydenham #bellingham #se26 #london #gasindustry #listedbuildings

Last updated 2 years ago

Haiku News · @haikubot
166 followers · 895 posts · Server