Today I have to grade 14 more essays; we begin my last M1 course on Death and Health in #Dickens; and I need to prep for my undergrad classes tomorrow where we’re reading #Gaskell and #Edgeworth
Tomorrow we start #Gaskell’s Ruth in our #DisabilityStudies course. Get excited.
Tomorrow my classes are starting #Gaskell’s North and South and #Shelley’s #Frankenstein. Absolutely pumped!
#gaskell #shelley #frankenstein
Great to see's upcoming book The Provincial Fiction of #Mitford, #Gaskell and #Eliot listed! Check it out! #Victorian
#mitford #gaskell #eliot #Victorian
#TEFL #OnlineTutor #Geordie
❤️ #nature #science #history #SocialJustice #languages #etymology
📺 #SirDavidAttenborough #RichardOsmansHouseOfGames #TheRepairShop #ScandiNoir #TheHandmaidsTale
⚽ #Lionesses #SarinaWiegman #KeiraWalsh #LucyBronze
🎧 #EllaFitzgerald #kdlang #MarvinGaye #StevieWonder #BillyJoel
🎬 #PowellAndPressburger #ScrewballComedy #HowardHawks #Capra #Hitchcock
📖 #Austen #Gaskell #Trollope #DorothyLSayers #AnneLister
🤢 #DisingenuousGaslightingPoliticians #CorianderLeaf
#powellandpressburger #tefl #corianderleaf #disingenuousgaslightingpoliticians #AnneLister #dorothylsayers #Trollope #gaskell #austen #hitchcock #capra #HowardHawks #screwballcomedy #billyjoel #steviewonder #marvingaye #kdlang #ellafitzgerald #LucyBronze #keirawalsh #SarinaWiegman #lionesses #thehandmaidstale #scandinoir #TheRepairShop #richardosmanshouseofgames #sirdavidattenborough #etymology #languages #socialjustice #History #Science #Nature #geordie #onlinetutor #Introduction