Belle and #Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)🤩 #TitFlaviyArt
#cartoonnsfw_TF #hentai #Disney #beauty #bigass #DisneyPorn_TF #bigcock #adult #nsfwart #fucking #disneyArt #dildo #anal #肛門の浸透 #卡通他妈的 #漫画
#gaston #titflaviyart #cartoonnsfw_tf #hentai #disney #beauty #bigass #disneyporn_tf #bigcock #adult #nsfwart #fucking #disneyart #dildo #anal #肛門の浸透 #卡通他妈的 #漫画
Si, c''etait trop des piments ce soir.... 🤣🥵 #chillis #peppers #spicyfood #Gaston #GastonLageaffe
#chillis #peppers #spicyfood #gaston #gastonlageaffe
#Prosecutor Molly Gaston just told Judge #Chutkan that the DC #ElectionObstruction case against #Trump should happen “as soon as possible” because TFG has been posting on #SocialMedia on a near-daily basis about the case & talking about #witnesses & #evidence, among other things.
“This potentially #prejudices the #jury pool,” #Gaston said. “And so under the #SpeedyTrialAct, Your Honor, we need to find a time for trial as soon as the #defense can reasonably be ready.”
#prosecutor #chutkan #electionobstruction #trump #socialmedia #witnesses #evidence #prejudices #jury #gaston #speedytrialact #defense #jan6 #law #legal #justice
#Federal #prosecutor Molly #Gaston said her team has already produced most of the #DC case’s #discovery — pretrial #evidence given to the #defense before #trial. Much of the 10 million pages is from “entities associated w/the #defendant,” Gaston said, including #tweets & #Trump #PAC & campaign documents. That means in theory the defense could review it relatively quickly.
#Jan6 #ElectionInterference #Conspiracy #law #legal #justice
#federal #prosecutor #gaston #dc #discovery #evidence #defense #trial #defendant #tweets #trump #pac #jan6 #electioninterference #conspiracy #law #legal #justice
We all know that Count of Monte Cristo and Gaston from Once Upon a Time are endgame. #OnceUponATime #OUAT #CountofMonteCristo #CraigHorner #Gaston #WesBrown
#onceuponatime #ouat #countofmontecristo #craighorner #gaston #wesbrown
Ich persönlich fände es gut, wenn man #Gaston in Ruhe ließe. André #Franquin wollte ausdrücklich nicht, dass die Figur nach seinem Tod weiter geführt wird. Und ähnlich wie bei anderen Klassikern, werden sie nach ihren Schöpfern selten besser.
#gaston #franquin #comic #comics #dupuis
Je viens enfin de comprendre pourquoi je ne me souviens jamais de quel déguisement est accoutré Gaston dans le dessin avec la fameuse réplique "Mais si on danse?"
C'est parce qu'il existe plusieurs planches avec cette chute. (J'en ai sept, là, sous les yeux).
ihnen allen einen #gtnmrgn #krickelkrakel #gaston #gastonlagaffe #franquin #comic
#comic #franquin #gastonlagaffe #gaston #krickelkrakel #gtnmrgn
Gaston, “Los Orígenes del Movimiento Obrero en el Uruguay”, Rama Carlos M., “La edad de oro del Anarquismo”
Edito da La Turba Ediciones, Rosario (Argentina, Febbraio 2009, 32 p.
Questo opuscolo presenta due testi; il primo forni
#opuscoli #"LaedaddeorodelAnarquismo" #"LosOrígenesdelMovimientoObreroenelUruguay" #Gaston #RamaCarlosM.
#opuscoli #gaston #RamaCarlosM
#Buchtipp #Buch #EBook
#Werbung #Reklame
Morgel und die Abenteuer mit der Huschi-Husch
#Morgelgeschichte Teil 8 von Jens K. Carl
Märchenhaftes aus dem #ThüringerWald für #Kinder und #Kindgebliebene. Jens K. Carls #Morgelgeschichten #Selfpublisher #Autor #Märchen #Thüringen #Rettung #Waldbahn #ThüringerWaldbahn #Strassenbahn #BlindenPassagier #Gaston #Polizei
#polizei #gaston #blindenpassagier #strassenbahn #thuringerwaldbahn #waldbahn #rettung #thuringen #marchen #autor #Selfpublisher #morgelgeschichten #kindgebliebene #kinder #thuringerwald #morgelgeschichte #reklame #werbung #ebook #buch #buchtipp
RT @Franquin_Cie: Faut pas pousser ! #franquin #gaston
RT @Franquin_Cie: #franquin #gaston #lagaffe
RT @Franquin_Cie: Un sucre ou deux ? #gaston #franquin
Let's do a #7comicstoknowme
At least I know what to put on No.1:
#TheSandman by Neil Gaiman
#TheCompleteCalvinAndHobbes by Bill Watterson
#Pogo by Walt Kelly
#NewYorkLifeIntheBigCity by Will Eisner
#Gaston by André Franquin
#VaderEnZoon door Peter van Straaten
#TheWizardOfId by Brant Parker and Johnny Hart
Damn, I do have to include this, don't I? So, on No.8:
#Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz
Oh, and it was a toss up between Eisner's New York trilogy and this one:
#vaderenzoon #peanuts #thewizardofid #gaston #newyorklifeinthebigcity #pogo #thecompletecalvinandhobbes #thesandman #7comicstoknowme
Episode 408 – Let It Joe, Let It Joe, Vai Never Bothered Me Anyway
We compare Disney On Ice to Joe Satriani and Steve Vai.
#podcast #disneyonice #disney #stevevai #joesatriani #idinamenzel #kristenbell #gaston #pandemic #nhl #winnipegjets #advertising
#podcast #disneyonice #disney #stevevai #joesatriani #idinamenzel #kristenbell #gaston #pandemic #nhl #winnipegjets #advertising