(Camera colour rendition is slightly off compared uk ‘in person’ colours. And exact colours can be tuned through software for green and red channels).
#Amstrad #CPC #Pico #GateArray
#gatearray #pico #cpc #amstrad #colourpalette
As for the display issues, I’m still working on it.
I don’t like the look of the READY signal. This is also /WAIT for the CPU. Schematics show it with an 800R pull up - which I’ve copied. It’s exposed on the expansion connector so I’ve worked it as open collector. But that scope trace suggests the Z80 is pausing to long and clashing with video accesses to RAM, and producing the snow.
I’ll need to reprogram the GreenPAK chip using I2C.
I was having trouble getting the RP2040s into Bootsel mode. It turns out I’d done a rubbish job soldering the Bootsel and reset button.
Not helped by me buying the wrong buttons - I bought recessed ones which need a pen (etc) to push. Holding test probes plus a pen at the same time required some ingenuity.
Reworked them now and working reliably under windows.
#rp2040 #RaspberryPi #gatearray #cpc #amstrad