Not just an ordinary red sky, this was actually taken during a thunderstorm over Gatehouse of Fleet, Dumfries and Galloway a few weeks ago. #scotland #gatehouseoffleet #DumfriesAndGalloway #thunderstorm #redsky
#redsky #thunderstorm #DumfriesAndGalloway #gatehouseoffleet #scotland
50 years of The Wicker Man: how the Scottish locations look today #WickerMan #ScottishFilms #ScottishCinema #Scotland #DumfriesAndGalloway #Kirkcudbright #GatehouseOfFleet #Kirkcudbrightshire #Films #Movies #Cinema #Cinemastodon #Horror #HorrorFilms #Filming #FilmLocations #FilmingLocations #FolkHorror #Folklore #TheWickerMan
#thewickerman #folklore #folkhorror #filminglocations #filmlocations #filming #horrorfilms #horror #cinemastodon #cinema #movies #films #kirkcudbrightshire #gatehouseoffleet #kirkcudbright #DumfriesAndGalloway #scotland #scottishcinema #Scottishfilms #WickerMan
Cardoness Castle, built by the McCulloch family, probably in the 1470s, on a rocky bluff overlooking the northern end of Fleet Bay a mile south-west of Gatehouse of Fleet in Dumfries & Galloway. More pics and info:
#Scotland #DumfriesAndGalloway #CardonessCastle #Castle #GatehouseOfFleet #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #gatehouseoffleet #castle #cardonesscastle #DumfriesAndGalloway #scotland
In 2020 when we couldn’t travel around I got some goodies from a small company based in the Scottish town we used to holiday in each year. Today the latest delivery arrived. Anyone else try to support a small company during those days? #GallowayLodge #GatehouseOfFleet
#gatehouseoffleet #gallowaylodge