We are happy to announce that a new thematic programme with 5 focus weeks just got started at
! 🥳 Check out the details below ⏬
📅 31st July - 1st September 2023 📅
📌 Schrödinger Lecture Hall 📌
▫️ Programme description ▫️
📚 Subject: #QuantumFieldTheory at the Frontiers of the #StrongInteraction
📓Week 1: Finite-Mass and #Electroweak Effects in #gaugetheories
📕 Week 2: #Singularity Structure of Quantum Field Theory Beyond the Leading Power
📗 Week 3: #Factorization Violation and the #Space of Universal Functions
📘 Week 4: Simulation of the All Order Structure of Scattering Amplitudes
📙 Week 5: Multi-Variable Techniques for All Order Resummations in QFT
#space #factorization #singularity #gaugetheories #electroweak #stronginteraction #QuantumFieldTheory