Landau, Anno Domini 2023.
All doctoral researchers study animals, hydrology and soils at the unique Riparian Stream Mesocosms (RSM) facility next to river Queich.
Really ALL of them? No. A small group also mapped plants yesterday and found some beautiful species:
🍀 purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, Lythraceae
🍀 broadleaf cattail, Typha latifolia, Typhaceae
🍀 European pellitory, Achillea ptarmica, Asteraceae
#RPTU #Landau #SystemLink #RSM #RiparianStreamMesocosms #Queich #Gauls
#gauls #Queich #riparianstreammesocosms #rsm #SystemLink #landau #rptu
I really should have waited for this point before posting the previous photo. 🤣
This is going to take a while as even my meager starting list for trying out the game has twenty or so bases.
I’ve not done a great paint job, but the quality of the models from Baccus means they’re still OK. I’ve painted the skin on the entire Warband and will continues with colours later.
Btw, Sorry if anyone has missed photo descriptons recently, I simply forgot. 😢
#Baccus #HailCaesar #gauls #6mmgaming
Continued progress here, the first base is almost finished, paint the sand and flock.
The other three bases worth of men have had their flesh painted. It’s going well, although I need to work on the fine detail work of my shield decorations.
#Baccus #HailCaesar #gauls #6mmgaming
I got a first coat of colours and a wash down on my first base of Gauls last night. They’ll need a quick round of highlights and I’ll be happy.
Does anyone have tips for basing? I’m unsure if it’s best off using sand and having to paint it between the models or a basing paste and having to put in the extra work to get the strips sitting flat? 🤷🏻♂️
#Baccus #HailCaesar #gauls #6mmgaming
This is a highly unexciting photo, but I did undercoat my warband, and although I’m working the next couple days, the rest of the familly are away so I’m looking forward to getting actual paint down.
#Baccus #HailCaesar #gauls #6mmgaming
Well I took the entirity of January off from hobbying (watched some TV, went skiing, built some LEGO) and am@now ready for my comeback.
This evening I’ve attached one of the above Large Warbands to sticks, tomorrow I’ll get them undercoated and start the painting. Be interesring to get an idea of how quick they paint up.
#Baccus #HailCaesar #gauls #6mmgaming
Premières figurines de 2023. Il me restait une unité à faire pour avoir toutes les options de mon armée gauloise sur De Bellis Antiquitatis : un commandant sur char. J'en ai profité pour représenter les Gésates, qui selon la légende chargeaient complètement nus 😁
#DBA #DeBellisAntiquitatis #wargaming #miniatures #miniaturepainting #xystonminiatures #tabletops #gauls #gaulois #15mmminiatures #historicalwargaming
#DBA #debellisantiquitatis #wargaming #miniatures #miniaturepainting #xystonminiatures #tabletops #gauls #gaulois #15mmminiatures #historicalwargaming
Just to document that I’ve done it, here are the Skirmishers seperated out from the Gaesate. 🤣
I really am looking forward to starting on these next week.
#Baccus #HailCaesar #gauls #6mmgaming
My Baccus Hail Caesar Guals army arrived today. 🎉
The models are lovely and I can’t wait to get Xmas out the way so I can start painting. I laid out my starting army (realised afterwards I forgot the Skirmishers), and it’s all looking great.
#Baccus #HailCaesar #6mmgaming #gauls
About Bordeaux #lovers and their #pet, the #Romans and the #gauls and what i wrote about them on my book #ROMA #CANES #MUNDI (link below) #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dog #pets #France #romanempire #archaeology #art #history #mythology
#lovers #pet #romans #gauls #roma #canes #mundi #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dog #pets #france #RomanEmpire #archaeology #art #history #mythology
I should have added some hashtags to that post.
#HailCaesar #Gauls #Romans #Baccus #6mm
How’s that?
When it comes to ordering the next set, Romans, I should be be thinking Republican Rome? Or are they more of an Early Imperial opponent?
#HailCaesar #gauls #romans #Baccus #6mm
From my comics
#indiecomics #punicwars #gauls #2200yearsago
#2200yearsago #gauls #punicwars #indiecomics
🤣 Another classic Muskrat trolling...
#TwitterMeltdown #HowToLose44Billion
--- PS ---
Dear Mastodonites;
I know it seems strange, seeing so many new people - almost all of them Twitheads fleeing Muskian invasion - suddenly making themselves at home in your village. This is kinda how the Romans felt in the first centuries CE, as #Celts, #Gauls, #Franks, #Germans, and other tribes started showing up in the legions and senate.
Not a #Barbarian
#TwitterMeltdown #howtolose44billion #celts #gauls #franks #Germans #barbarian #romanempire #roman #roma #spqr
How trousers travel.
Gaelic word for trousers is briogais.
Similar Scots word is breeks.
Old English brēċ (from which breeches).
Proto-Germanic brōks.
In Latin brāca (braccae).
All these words probably from a Gaulish word bhrāg-ikā.
Romans wore tunics, the Gauls wore trousers. Romans considered braccae to be effeminate, but other non-Roman Europeans adopted the mode of dress, and everyone used the word.
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Latin #English #TIL #Gaulish #Gauls #Scots #trousers
#gaelic #gàidhlig #latin #english #til #gaulish #gauls #scots #trousers