@ChaskaTheMagicDog My favorite horror TTRPGs:
Trophy Dark (Jesse Ross)
Bluebeard's Bride (W. Beltrán, S. Doom & M. Kelley)
Public Access (Jason Cordova)
Quietus (Oli Jeffrey)
Mothership (Tuesday Knight Games)
Cthulhu Dark (Graeme Walmsley)
The only RPG I've run that has legitimately scared my players was *Bluebeard's Bride*. It's one fantastic game, but it deals specifically with sensitive subjects.
#TTRPG #HorrorRPGs #PbtA #TrophyRPG #FitD #MagpieGames #GauntletRPG #Mothership #CthulhuDark
#ttrpg #horrorrpgs #pbta #trophyrpg #fitd #magpiegames #gauntletrpg #mothership #CthulhuDark
I played in an AMAZING game of "The Between" earlier today at #MagpieGames monthly Community Play Day.
The Between is a narrative-focused #TTRPG by Jason Cordova about a group of mysterious monster-hunters in Victorian London. Published by #GauntletRPG.
My character was "Wild" Rose Larabee [The American], a pistol-packing, monster-hunting cowgirl from Wyoming with a mysterious past and a strange curse.
It was a fantastic game!
#magpiegames #ttrpg #gauntletrpg #pbta #TheBetween #carvedfrombrindlewood
@ludovic There's been quite a bit of chatter on that vey topic over at the Gauntlet Publishing Discord. The Gauntlet's "Carved From Brindlewood" RPG mystery system serms like a perfect fit!
#ttrpg #brindlewood #gauntletrpg #pbta
@Dionysus I can recommend three online #TTRPG communities that have active online games and are lookimg for players.
#GauntletRPG focuses in indie RPGs, story-games and OSR.
#HappyJacksRPG is a podcast and actual play network with an active Discord community.
#MagpieGames is a an RPG publisher with an active Discord and regular game events: some paid, most free.
#ttrpg #gauntletrpg #happyjacksrpg #magpiegames
I played #AliceIsMissing last night with some people from the #HappyJacksRPG and #GauntletRPG communities.
Wow! What an amazing game!
#AliceIsMissing #happyjacksrpg #gauntletrpg #ttrpg
10. Have you played a journaling game?
Sort of. It was "Finding Carcosa" by David Morrison, published in #CodexMagazine issue 41 "Yellow 2" by #GauntletRPG.
I sat down and did exactly one prompt, and never went back. Not because it's a bad game: journaling games just aren't for me.
If I'm going to do solo RPG stuff, I'd rather do game prep for a game I'm running for others, or just do straight-up game design.
@ChaskaTheMagicDog Last online con: Gauntlet Community Open Gaming (GCOG): Sept 2022. It's the #GauntletRPG semiannual online convention. I ran four games: #OSE, #TrophyDark , #Quietus, and "Long Time Listener Last Time Caller." I also played in three games: #CrescendoOfViolence, #PasionDeLasPasiones, and #TheBetweenGhostsofElPaso .
#gauntletrpg #ose #TrophyDark #quietus #crescendoofviolence #PasionDeLasPasiones #thebetweenghostsofelpaso #ttrpg
I ran a very fun first session of #CthulhuDark last night on the #GauntletRPG calendar. Our investigators are employees of an antique shop in Providence who specialize in acquiring hard-to-find objects. They've been hired by a librarian at Cornell University to track down a very valuable book stolen from the collection.
He failed to show for the meeting, and they found, his hotel room ransacked with signs of a struggle, and he'd registered under a false name. What does the key they found open?
I ran a very fun first session of #CthulhuDark last night on the #GauntletRPG calendar. Our investigators are employees of an antique shop in Providence who specialize in acquiring hard-to-find objects. They've been hired by a librarian at Cornell University to track down a very valuable book stoled from the collection.
He failed to show for the meeting, and they found, his hotel room ransacked with signs of a struggle, and he'd registered under a false name. What does the key they found open?