For others it was an opportunity to finally reveal similar stories that had remained hidden for decades. The Gay Byrne Show on RTÉ Radio began to receive letters from all over the country "Too many letters. They couldn't be ignored."
Letters to Ann:
#annlovett #longford #ireland #gaybyrne #rte
Ann Lovett, a 15-year-old schoolgirl from Granard, County Longford, died giving birth beside a grotto on 31 January 1984. Her baby son died at the same time and the story of her death played a huge part in a seminal national debate on women giving birth outside marriage. The story shocked the nation and left many asking how such a thing could happen. 1/2
#annlovett #longford #ireland #gaybyrne #rte
#LateLateToyShow I miss Gay Byrne. I wish my kids had seen the magic of a Gay Byrne Toy Show. No one will ever top him. The current one just can't compete. The kids are the same but it is too rushed and they aren't listened to or let play. #GayByrne #TheMaster
#LateLateToyShow #gaybyrne #TheMaster