“He gets to fly out of the country and not face the consequences, while our people have to face the brunt of what just happened,” said the drag performer Carmen Rose, who described the speech as self-serving, adding that it risked undoing the work of activists.
#Malaysia’s #GayCommunity fears backlash after #MattyHealy’s outburst | #LGBTQ | The Guardian
#lgbtq #mattyhealy #gaycommunity #malaysia
Someone spit on my Pride Flag.
Why we need to celebrate Pride Month (P.S. every month is Pride month in my family)
#gaycommunity #hate #LGTBQ+ #PrideFlag #StonewallRiot
#Miami #news
#gaycommunity #hate #lgtbq #prideflag #stonewallriot #miami #News
Wieder was gelernt: während heterosexuelle Menschen es vollkommen normal finden auf Weihnachtsmärkten zu #flirten sind #schwule Männer der festen Meinung, dass Weihnachtsmärkte KEINE Datingplatform sind und "sich das nicht gehört".
Okay #gay #GenZ & #Millennials, der nächste der jammert, dass alle Apps scheiße sind & man ja niemand kennen lernen: Eure eigne verklemmte Schuld. Ihr habt die #GayCommunity ja schließlich #gecancelt und für #überflüssig erklärt. #emotionaleAbschottung at its best.
#emotionaleabschottung #uberflussig #gecancelt #gaycommunity #millennials #genz #gay #schwule #flirten
Drink spiking, credit card maxing ... nothing to see here, right?
"Druggings, Deaths and Robberies Put New York’s Gay Community on Edge"
#gaycommunity #NewYork #nighttimeeconomy
@hyouka agreed. It's hard - no one wants to tell anyone what to do or not let them have a good time but the difference between this and other party drugs is how addictive it is, how physically disabling it is and ultimately how it causes people to self-destruct in almost every aspect of their lives #drugs #druguse #meth #tina #crystalmeth #gaycommunity #gay
#drugs #druguse #meth #tina #crystalmeth #gaycommunity #gay
@hyouka agreed - it's a scourge on the #gaycommunity and is causing many issues with people I know and around me.
For those looking for more engaged #gay community in the wake of Twitter crumpling: I run a #discord server for the reddit community gaybros.
We try to avoid low brow internet culture. Our users span 18-40 and are focused in US and Europe. We have held a good handful of meet ups over the past few years, and we do regular voice and video chats. We are (mostly) a SFW community.
Check it out here: https://discord.gg/gaybros
#gay #discord #gaycommunity #gaychat #chatroom
For those looking for more engaged #gay community in the wake of Twitter crumpling: I run a #discord server for the reddit community gaybros.
We try to avoid low brow internet culture. Our users span 18-40 and are focused in US and Europe. We have held a good handful of meet ups over the past few years, and we do regular voice and video chats.
Check it out here: https://discord.gg/gaybros
#gay #discord #gaycommunity #gaychat #chatroom
For those looking for more engaged #gay community in the wake of Twitter crumpling: I run a #discord server for the reddit community gaybros. We try to avoid low brow internet culture. Our users span 18-40 and are focused in US and Europe. Check it out here: https://discord.gg/gaybros
#gay #discord #gaycommunity #gaychat #chatroom
OMG I am in love guys!!! ♥️🌹
My big gay heart is going to bust a nut! Do you know how long it's been since I have social media'ed without all the f**king algorithms, ads, and digital manipulation?!
I took time today to donate $20 to the admin of my server @nathan because without him, this wouldn't exist. I know we all have varying levels of income and ability but if you can and you haven't, follow him (or your server admin), buy them some coffee. ☕️
How #gaymen treat each other
“Being Masculine Is Preferred.” The Pressures of Acting #Masculine in the #GayCommunity.
Daniel Bahner has always been perceived as feminine, from when he loved "The Wizard of Oz" as a child, to the way he was perceived of wearing his tracksuit a...
#gaymen #masculine #gaycommunity #lgbtq