#RFKJr says #herbicides in #drinkingwater responsible for #genderissues #GayFrogs
#RFKJr #herbicides #Drinkingwater #genderissues #gayfrogs
If you've never seen the Alex Jones remix of Gay Frogs, you really ought to.
Alex jones was so terrified how many frogs I recruited into the consensual homosexual lifestyle that he made up the conspiracies about the friggin chemicals in the water turning them gay to false flag my clout
#NeverForget211 #falseflag #gayfrogs
#NeverForget211 #falseflag #gayfrogs
"I'm sick them putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs 🐸 gay!"
#seedman #atrazine #gayfrogs #fish
"You are being Chemically Castrated and It's Being Covered Up By The Government."
https://youtu.be/Mq3TccjFrcQ https://noagendasocial.com/media/oFqQOntI5B81vRNAmKU
#seedman #atrazine #gayfrogs #fish