🌺 Sweet Ms Lily 🌺 · @sweetmslily
238 followers · 782 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

Another year, another where I pose in front of my flag for y’all’s amusement.

Being a lesbian and being able to be out and proud of myself means so much to me, because for so long, I didn’t understand why I was different. I was wrongly pronounced a boy on arrival, and it was a role I struggled to fit for 30 years. I had massive crushes on women who all turned out to be gay, and I told friends jokingly I wished I was a lesbian. My sapphic sensibilities were there but they scrambled the few straight women I had relationships with. I didn’t fill the masculine boots they required.

When I came out as a woman, it took me less than a week to also come out as a lesbian. It may have taken me 33 years, but I made it. And I’m grateful to be here and get to be my true self.

I am proud of my community for the ways they’ve shown up in the past, protesting, caring for AIDS victims, being mom figures for new queers. And I’m so grateful that the vast majority of my community accepts me despite being trans. And I’ll do all I can to make sure the vocal bigoted few don’t harm my sibs and sisters.

Have an absolutely beautiful day, my lovelies.


#lesbianvisibilityday #transbian #lesbian #gaygirls #lesbiansoninstagram #lesbianpride #lesbianselfie #queeryyj

Last updated 2 years ago

🌺 Sweet Ms Lily 🌺 · @sweetmslily
237 followers · 781 posts · Server eldritch.cafe
🌺 Sweet Ms Lily 🌺 · @sweetmslily
237 followers · 781 posts · Server eldritch.cafe
🌺 Sweet Ms Lily 🌺 · @sweetmslily
215 followers · 704 posts · Server eldritch.cafe