Every time with these #gay-not-#queer people. Of course he's a transphobe and a #Zionist.
When you jump onto the queer-is-a-slur bandwagon, these are the people you're sitting next to. And the rest of us are going to judge you by the company you keep.
#socialmedia #twitter #gaynotqueer #queerisaslur #assimilation #assimilationism #assimilationist #transphobia #transmisogyny #zionism #liberationnotassimilation #queercommunity #queerliberation #transliberation
#gay #queer #zionist #socialmedia #twitter #gaynotqueer #queerisaslur #assimilation #assimilationism #assimilationist #transphobia #transmisogyny #zionism #liberationnotassimilation #queercommunity #queerliberation #transliberation
An article from yesterday about woke homophobia in the UK.
âFor the crime of his homosexual desires, Turing was made to undergo hormonal correction that feminised his body, rendered him impotent and gave him breasts. Sound familiar? We once viewed such violent meddling in the lives and bodies of gay men as an abomination. Now we call it âtransâ and cheer it to the rafters. We put Turing on the ÂŁ50 as an apology for what we did to him, even as we do the same thing to 18-year-old lads who, just a few years ago, in the pre-trans era, would have grown up to be normal, happy gay men.â
Today in Quuilette: Peter Gajdics âGay not Queerâ.
âUntil recently, I never thought it necessary to define âgayâ or âmanâ, but when I say that I am gay, I mean that I am same-sex attracted; when I say that I am a man, I mean that I am an adult male. In other words, I am an adult male who is attracted to other adult males. Males are one of the two sexes of a binary species Homo sapiens. Just as adult males are called men, adult females are called women; and just as same-sex attracted males are called gay men, same-sex attracted females are called lesbians. Gay men are attracted to other males; gay women, or lesbians, are attracted to other females.â
Here is another example of #WokeHomophobia and what so called trans âmanâ thinks about homosexuals. The person is a straight woman cosplaying a gay man and treating us like a fetish.
T invaded our spaces (gay bars, dating apps) and now theyâre stealing words we use to describe ourselves. Being gay is not an identity that you can wear like a costume; I donât identify as gay, I am gay.
*GC in the tweet stands for Gender Critical â itâs used to describe a person who doesnât buy gender ideology.
#GayNotQueer #LGBwithoutT #DropTheT
#dropthet #LGBwithoutT #gaynotqueer #wokehomophobia
@betrzy Wyzwisko na gejĂłw. Jak mnie kilka lat temu pobili, tak Ĺźe pojechaĹem twarzÄ po asfalcie i wylÄ dowaĹem w szpitalu, to mnie od âqueerâ wyztwali (trochÄ porĂłwnywalne z polskim âpedaĹemâ). Dzisiaj jako âqueerâ mĂłwiÄ na siebie genderowcy â gĹĂłwnie heteroseksualne kobiety, farbujÄ ce wĹosy na niebiesko i okreĹlajÄ ce siÄ jako niebinarne czy inne stwory.
Taga #GayNotQueer uĹźywajÄ geje i lesbijki, ktĂłrzy sÄ w opozycji do genderowej ideologii.