Aug 23, 2020
US may no longer be a refuge for LGBTQ people - Thanks to
@RealDonaldTrump #LGBTQ people may no longer turn to the US for help! in this week's #GAYography brief
Aug 16, 2020
Need to win an election? Just stop the mail! @KamalaHarris joins the most pro-#LGBTQ ticket in herstory! Plus @ShanghaiPride in this week's #Gayography brief (from #Ptown):
Aug 7, 2020
Rainbow Formation - in Parliament - #Poland President gets rainbow view at his swearing in. Plus, all your latest LGBTQ news (& marriage equality update from @RexWockner!) in this wk's #GAYography brief
Aug 2, 2020
Splashdown w/ 6 years of #GAYography - @SpaceX just now has a successful splashdown &
@Repjohnlewis passes by Atlanta rainbow crosswalks. Plus review of #MarriageEquality w the help of @wockner & digitizing @DamronGuides
in this wk's #GAYography brief!
Jul 24, 2020
That "fucking bitch" won. That's right congrats to @AOC for turning hate to a teachable moment. Plus, find ways to end hate (and madness!) in the US and elect @joebiden -- your weekly run-down of global #LGBTQ news in this wk's #GAYography brief
Jul 16, 2020
Film access to @WelcometoChechnya + learn more about the film with @JamesAAlongman at 7pm ET. Plus, exciting news on #MarriageEquality, #LGBTQ decriminalization in #Sudan & Congrats @scruff on being the more secure dating app -- this wk's #GAYography
#marriageequality #lgbtq #Sudan #gayography
Jul 2, 2020
Invite for Welcome to Chechnya exclusive virtual panel + #LGBTQ news this week: More anti-trans attacks by @RealDonaldTrump
plus anti-LGBTQ elections in #Russia (@ Poland). And #Madrid Human Rights Conference tomorrow in this wk's #GAYography -
#lgbtq #russia #madrid #gayography
Jun 18, 2020
Finally employable? + Virtual Pride Guide - Celebrating the #SCOTUS decision plus thx to the
@NYTimes, a virtual (and global) guide to #LGBTQ #Pride -- Plus events today with @Skyscnner & more in this wk's #GAYography brief:
#scotus #lgbtq #pride #gayography
Jun 12, 2020
Bronx may go to Trump? - Make sure that doesn't happen - come out for a virtual phone bank Saturday & elect the first openly gay Afro-latino to Congress! Plus more news on the global fight for equality in this week's #GAYography brief
Jun 6, 2020
Can you breathe? - This week's #GAYography brief as we fight back against police brutality & advance #BlackLives + Now #Pride has turned into queer support for #BlackLivesMatter with 2 specific marches in #LA & #NYC + More events and global #LGBTQ news
#gayography #blacklives #pride #blacklivesmatter #la #nyc #lgbtq
May 28, 2020
Death w/o Silence #ThankYouLarry honoring #LarryKramer for his work to #ACTUPFightBackEndAIDS -- Plus, join #WeAreOutLoud for Pride benefits all month & more global #LGBTQ news in this wk's #GAYography brief:
#thankyoularry #larrykramer #actupfightbackendaids #weareoutloud #lgbtq #gayography
May 21, 2020
49 days in prison + #Chechnya's story to be told -- Global partners including @RainbowRailroad stand in solidarity w/@SMUG2004
as #Uganda releases 19 but where will they go? + view #WelcometoChechnya trailer that will alter lives, incl. yours! #GAYography
#chechnya #uganda #welcometochechnya #gayography
Apr 30, 2020
Drag via Zoom tonight + 300th issue! Plus, #QueerAsFolk virtual reunion & critical future #LGBTQ congress people to support in this wk's #GAYography:
#queerasfolk #lgbtq #gayography
Apr 25, 2020
Move @RuPaulsDragRace to your living-@Zoom_us - Your global #LGBTQ news and tons of virtual events: @GLAAD @Broadwaycom @Martysdivas Your weekly #GAYography:
Apr 18, 2020
All the best virtual events this weekend - @ladygaga tonight and @VictoryFund w/ @LightfootforChi & @MayorJenny & @MichaelUrie tomorrow to support @BCEFA + tune in every Monday for @martysdivas! #LGBTQ This week's #GAYography:
Apr 9, 2020
Your airline status extended + Best virtual events - this wk's #GAYography brief: -- Be sure to read to the bottom - Thx @Delta for leading the ext. of airline status for 1 yr + US travel restrictions explained
Mar 28, 2020
How are you? - Virtual clubbing & dreaming of future travel adventures. Plus honoring Healthcare workers as well as playright #TerrenceMcNally. Stay healthy & safe! This week's #GAYography brief
Mar 12, 2020
Travel ban for Europeans, not US Residents - One more terrible @RealDonaldTrump address; at least finally he's getting serious! All the #COVID19 #Coronavirus info you need + Putin headed for 12 more years in power & cancelled #LGBTQ events #GAYography
#COVID19 #coronavirus #lgbtq #gayography
Mar 6, 2020
Shock: @BYU back into the closet - This wk's #GAYography brief keeps you prepared for #COVID19 - but still traveling (just maybe not to #Russia) + All the @PeteButtigieg & @EWarren
suspension speeches:
Feb 22, 2020
Please ask yourself: Is Russia behind this meme? - Best place for #NevadaCaucus updates + Travel info for #COVID19 & many congrats to @TravelsofAdam
for his #Berlin article in @TravelandLeisure -- This wk's #GAYography brief:
#nevadacaucus #COVID19 #berlin #gayography