@amalia12 EXAKT DAS!
Es ist offene Feindlichkeit, keine "Angst" und erst recht keine "Phobie", denn sonst legitimiert es #Hassverbrechen die "#GayPanic" und "#TransPanic" als Ausrede nutzen!
#transpanic #gaypanic #hassverbrechen
#GayPanic is trending. Proposed #FLLeg prohibits individuals from using a nonviolent sexual advance or specified perceptions or beliefs about another individual as a defense to a criminal offense or to excuse or justify the conduct.
#TransPanic #TransRights
#gaypanic #flleg #transpanic #transrights
Florida Dems File Bill Ending 'Gay and Trans Panic' Defense
#Florida #GayPanic #Legal #Homophobia #Transphobia #LGBTQ #Trans #Transgender #Crime
#florida #gaypanic #legal #homophobia #transphobia #lgbtq #trans #transgender #crime
If there’s any question as to how gay I am let me remind you (or inform you if you weren’t a Twitter moot previously) that as a teenager I was a slightly chubby twink who desperately wanted to be a woman (but would always deny that) then I became repressed and depressed and now I’m literally a woman early in transition who constantly fawns over literally anyone attractive because I’M SO GAY FOR YOU ALL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP
#trans #gay #nonbinary #gaypanic
Friend, gay person from Bay Area visited NY recently and took a Lyft.
The driver experienced "gay panic" when my friend and his 3 friends acted conspicuously, gregariously gay in his car.... and decided to report them to Lyft for "inappropriate touching / communication", and Lyft summarily deactivated my friend's account - NO investigation at all. Then reinstated it quickly when the shitstorm started.
Check it out, and pass it along.