« C’est donc un renversement de perspective qu’opère cette requête en référé-suspension : l’islam est moins dans l’intention de celle qui porte l’abaya que dans l’œil de celui ou celle qui la regarde. » #gaze https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2023/09/08/interdiction-de-l-abaya-a-l-ecole-le-conseil-d-etat-conforte-le-gouvernement_6188329_3224.html
Vuelta a España, c'è anche Sam #Gaze https://www.blogciclismo.it/2023/08/25/sam-gaze-partecipera-alla-vuelta-a-espana/
I just blogged: "#MRTK3 #StatefulInteractable #gaze, hover and select events - and how to use them" #HoloLens2 https://localjoost.github.io/MRTK3-StatefulInteractable-gaze,-hover-and-select-events-and-how-to-use-them/
There's a lot of events on StatefulInteractable, and it might not be abundantly clear how to use them and why. Therefore, I decided to make a simple sample that shows you which event is triggered by what, and allows you to experiment with those events
#hololens2 #gaze #statefulinteractable #mrtk3
👉 Якщо ви чули про....
✅ David Letterman
✅ Stephen Colbert
✅ John Oliver (його я багато дивився)
🇺🇦 То ....в Україні почали робити свій аналог формату Late Night Show – проєкт The Gaze
😎 Й веде – знайомий з Могиляки Андрій Сусленко, який в журналістиці з 2014 року
↗️ Як вам українське шоу❓ Діліться враженнями
#show #ukraine #latenight #gaze #ukrainiannarrative
【ウマ娘】🐕🦺ネオユニヴァースが歌う『Gaze on Me!』が最高すぎる✨(≧∀≦)MV 〖Gaze on Me!〗_ 『ネオユニヴァース/cv:白石晴香』 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1784841/voice-actress/
#GAZE #Me_ #Meが最高すぎるMV #Vlog #voiceactress #ウマ娘ネオユニヴァースが歌うGaze #ネオユニヴァースcv白石晴香 #声優 #女性声優 #白石晴香
#gaze #me_ #meが最高すぎるmv #vlog #voiceactress #ウマ娘ネオユニヴァースが歌うgaze #ネオユニヴァースcv白石晴香 #声優 #女性声優 #白石晴香
RT @Rueckrufportal
#RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | NICHT KONFORME #Gaze um Würz-/ #Kräutermischungen von ALBERT #MÉNÈS ('Bouquet Garni pour Poissons' für #Fisch, 'Bouquet garni pour viandes' für #Fleisch > ALLE Chargen, ALLE MHD
Weitere aktuelle Meldungen:
#fleisch #fisch #menes #krautermischungen #gaze #warnung #ruckruf
Is that lifeguard sexualizing that beach-goer?!?!
#Sexualize #Sexualization #StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism #Puritan #PuritanRevival #SexPhobia #SexNegative #SexualRevolution #Sexualized #Beach #Bikini #Ass #Lifeguard #Gaze #Prude #CounterRevolution #NeoPuritan #Victorian
#sexualize #sexualization #StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism #puritan #PuritanRevival #SexPhobia #sexnegative #sexualrevolution #sexualized #beach #bikini #ass #lifeguard #gaze #prude #counterrevolution #NeoPuritan #victorian
Is that lifeguard sexualizing that beach-goer?!?!
#Sexualize #Sexualization #StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism #Puritan #PuritanRevival #SexPhobia #SexNegative #SexualRevolution #Sexualized #Beach #Bikini #Ass #Lifeguard #Gaze #Prude #CounterRevolution #NeoPuritan #Victorian
#sexualize #sexualization #stopthehysteria #stopneopuritanism #puritan #puritanrevival #sexphobia #sexnegative #sexualrevolution #sexualized #beach #bikini #ass #lifeguard #gaze #prude #counterrevolution #neopuritan #victorian
Is that lifeguard sexualizing that beach-goer?!?!
#Sexualize #Sexualization #StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism #Puritan #PuritanRevival #noxp #SexPhobia #SexNegative #SexualRevolution #Sexualized #Beach #Bikini #Ass #Lifeguard #Gaze #Prude #CounterRevolution #NeoPuritan #Victorian
#sexualize #sexualization #StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism #puritan #PuritanRevival #noxp #SexPhobia #sexnegative #sexualrevolution #sexualized #beach #bikini #ass #lifeguard #gaze #prude #counterrevolution #NeoPuritan #victorian
Nature's sight
#SAN #saminuru #lineart #line_art #drawing #paper #coloring #miniature #traditional_art #sfw #safe #all_ages
#illustration #fairytale #wind #wave #swirl #twirl #spin #spiral #flow #floating #flying #arabesque #eslimi #khatai #motif #flower #leaf #plant #cloud #eyes #gaze #sight
#girl #face #paisley #clothes #dance #smiling #animal #bird #fly #rabbit #mouse #fox #jungle #forest #nature
#happy #joy #smile #dance
#zeroguideline #zero_guideline #art #uncensored #art_website #freedom
#san #saminuru #lineart #line_art #drawing #paper #coloring #miniature #traditional_art #sfw #safe #all_ages #illustration #fairytale #wind #wave #swirl #twirl #spin #spiral #flow #floating #flying #arabesque #eslimi #khatai #motif #flower #leaf #plant #cloud #eyes #gaze #sight #girl #face #paisley #clothes #dance #smiling #animal #bird #fly #rabbit #mouse #fox #jungle #forest #nature #happy #joy #smile #zeroguideline #zero_guideline #art #uncensored #art_website #freedom
"How the Brain Slows Down When We Focus Our Gaze"
"A new study reveals that the brain can switch between slow and fast integration of information, allowing it to modulate the timescales on which it operates. The study also provides insight into how the structure of neural networks determines the speed at which information is integrated, which may have implications for future research on brain function and cognitive processes." #brain #time #gaze
Canadese tweepop band opgericht in '98 te Vancouver door #RoseMelberg.
Het debuut en band werden goed onthaald, en stond in heel wat jaarlijstjes. Toch was er kritiek op de ééntonigheid, wat vooral het lauwe onthaal van hun tweede album verklaart.
"...if you #gaze into the #abyss, the abyss #gazes #also into you." #Nietzsche
#just #grab #yourself a #pair of #headphones in a #darkroom and #get #hypnotized
#gaze #abyss #gazes #also #nietzsche #just #grab #yourself #pair #headphones #darkroom #get #hypnotized
‟Kleptomaniacs Exhibit Distinct Patterns of Gazing and Brain Activity” https://neurosciencenews.com/kleptomania-brain-gaze-22526/ #brain #gaze
Canadese tweepop band opgericht in '98 te Vancouver door #RoseMelberg van #TheSofties.
Het debuut en band werden goed onthaald, en stonden in heel wat jaarlijstjes. Maar toch was er kritiek op de ééntonigheid, wat vooral het lauwe onthaal van hun tweede album verklaart, de band stopt datzelfde jaar.
#gaze #rosemelberg #thesofties
T0(serf~> 0O/fersgh(/kl wertskiey~ fysch~! J09Dixgh<
Extra~10>~< PERcEnT
#AsemicPoetry #Poetry #Micropoetry #Digitalart #Collage #CollageArt #AsemicArt #AsemicWriting #Portrait #DigitalArt #Art #MastoArt #FediArt #Scanography #Surreal #Portrait #SurrealThursday #Dadaist #Dadaism #Dada
*CW #Face #Eyes #Gaze
Marked sensitive because of eyes/gaze.
#gaze #eyes #face #dada #dadaism #dadaist #SurrealThursday #surreal #scanography #fediart #MastoArt #art #portrait #asemicwriting #asemicart #collageart #collage #DigitalArt #micropoetry #poetry #Asemicpoetry
Front window: Chloe Okuno’s voyeuristic thriller WATCHER (2022) "casts a female eye over the male gaze, observing the asymmetry between gendered perspectives".
Screening 11pm tonight at #FinalGirlsBerlinFilmFestival
#Horror #Thriller #Gaze #Alienation #SerialKiller #Paranoia
#finalgirlsberlinfilmfestival #horror #thriller #gaze #alienation #serialkiller #paranoia