I'm surprised it took this long to get to Loratha, the homeland of the elves (and all the people the elves kicked out and/or subjugated over the centuries). It's a magical, vibrant, cut-throat place full of wonder, wizardry, and systemic violence. Just the kind of place it's fun to have adventures in.
Check it out at https://joshroby.com/keystone/wiki/index.php?title=Loratha
#ttrpg #gazetteerofthespeakinglands #worldbuilding
I missed a week (or two), but this week's entry is Dwarves! These cantankerous crafters and traders are a mainstay of fantasy settings, and I like to think I gave them a whole bunch of worldbuilding (read: systemic trauma) that explains why they are the way they are so often portrayed.
Check em out!
#GazetteerOfTheSpeakingLands #worldbuilding #ttrpg #fantasy #rpgArt
#gazetteerofthespeakinglands #worldbuilding #ttrpg #fantasy #rpgart
Who's up for a little fantasy industrial processes? Hardhollow Steel is this week's entry, the sturdy, keen-edged, possibly magical steel alloy that everybody across the Speaking Lands idolizes.
Read the full entry here: https://joshroby.com/keystone/wiki/index.php?title=Hardhollow_steel
Support the Gazetteer here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/82139727
And vote for next week's entry in the poll!
#GazetteerOfTheSpeakingLands #CortexPrime #TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #Worldbuilding #Fantasy
#gazetteerofthespeakinglands #cortexprime #ttrpg #indiettrpg #worldbuilding #fantasy
I cheated and elaborated the entry for Ellamthorn Lake before posting it, because it was one of the earlier entries written and other entries added more to its story than was listed in its original form. Oh well, more worldbuilding goodness! :)
Also there's a MAP! :D
#cortexprime #gazetteerofthespeakinglands
Peshak the Rider, from the Gazetteer of the Speaking Lands
Y'all have chosen wisely in this week's entry, as now I get to share with you the exploits of Peshak the Rider, culture hero throughout northern Ipieros, rebel icon, and all around fascinating figure... if I do say so, myself.
#GazetteerOfTheSpeakingLands #KeystoneFantasy #CortexPrime #TTRPG #IndieTTRPG
#gazetteerofthespeakinglands #keystonefantasy #cortexprime #ttrpg #indiettrpg
I say this about so many of them, but the entry on Industraza is one of my favorites. While the inspiration for this entry can be squarely laid at the feet of the TikTok Sea Shanty trend, which was absolutely everywhere when I wrote this, I like to think that the entry really developed into its own unique thing.
#gazetteerofthespeakinglands #cortexprime #keystonefantasy