rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
754 followers · 8724 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Week One:

Everyone in schools is already sick with what appears to be one of the most infectious variants to date, but you won’t hear anyone talking about it.

There will be no independent inquiry or exposé on how the govt embraced this virus; gave up on expensive tracking, containment or any sort of layered protection. How this govt chose (for all of us) to accept constant societal sickness as our new norm.

The won’t inform you on how this used teachers like Guinea pigs in their own private clinical trial while continued to openly lie about unchecked airborne transmission in schools.

They won’t remind you how our govt was caught hiding casualties in children with no negative press or pressure from .

In our new reality, there will be no to the thousands who have perished under and it’s policies while this continue to clutch their majority power.

There will be no mention of the thousands of deaths to come under this due to politically corrupted leadership and zero accountability by friendly press.

This govt, and will only ever work to hide, minimize and ignore the fallout from their cowardly surrender to .

They will only ever continue to hide the truth, continue to lie, continue to virtue signal and ultimately profit off our shared loss of community, loss of connection and loss of hope in humanity itself.

They will continue to ignore science and discriminate against our , constantly pushing a delusional post covid society like a desperate OxyContin doctor, all while silently sacrificing the last of us with no questions asked.

Soon they will begin their campaign for re-election, bragging about the death money they saved by giving up and accomplishing all these horrible feats in gilded secrecy.

They will try to convince us that they always cared, but we all now know “be kind and calm” was just another carefully scripted govt lie.

Don’t fall for the pricey virtue signalling. Don’t consume the endless propaganda, it’s only convincing because deception is their sole skill.

The hard truth is that these asinine “leaders” must be exiled for us to move forward. To heal we must first address the rampant virus that is our .

We need to work together to vote this , group of padded pocket politicians out! Our lives literally depend on it.

/end rant

#BCED #covid #BCNDP #teamaccess #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #msm #gbd #memorial #capitalism #leterrip #eugenic #bcpublichealth #adriandix #greatbarrington #COVID19BC #vulnerable #pr #bcgovt #corrupt #ableist #insufferable #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #newdeathparty #nodataparty #makeschoolssafe #masks4healthcare #cdnhealth #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
754 followers · 8724 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Dad got this summer with my cousin and sister because they all just wanted a British family birthday here in for his 80th.

We had been booked to join them up coast but found out two days prior to leaving. We called off the trip with several folks covid sick at the house we were planning to stay.

It was then we discovered no longer refunds for covid cancellations, as to them the pandemic is over. We had to pay to drop our reservation days from our trip, knowing the ferry we had reserved would only be 75% full.

For businesses like , ignoring the pandemic is just an extra cash grab. Book another ferry now, pay us 20 bucks or go get sick. They ultimately profited off our loss.

, , , and are the pack of unrepentant spiders who’ve spun this covid web of deception lulling our population into and .

Profit over kindness is what they’ve successfully preached.

We must vote every one of these anti mask, anti health covid out. We must demand a true independent inquiry of this and their to .

needs to and attempt to restore trust in . British Columbia deserves true health leadership, not more and from a longtime corrupt govt shill.

#covid #bc #bcferries #britishcolumbia #leterrip #newdeathparty #nodataparty #BCNDP #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #adriandix #gbd #complacency #ableism #minimizers #greatbarrington #eugenics #surrender #COVID19BC #firebonniehenry #bchealth #lies #propaganda #BCpoli #corruption #capitalism #CovidIsNotOver #masks4healthcare #masks4all #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikael Ögren · @mikaelogren
2 followers · 7 posts · Server mapstodon.space

My other presentation at ICBEN icben2023.com/ on the first steps towards a simplified global noise map for docs.google.com/presentation/d


Last updated 1 year ago

Music News Feed · @music_news_feed
4 followers · 4070 posts · Server room19.com

"The book is populated by quacks, mountebanks and charlatans — and not a few scholars with distinguished academic records — many of whom appear to have been seduced by the embrace of the right-wing echo chamber into promoting unproven and disproved policies."

Michael Hiltzik reviews Dr 's


#jonathanhoward #wewanttheminfected #antivaxxers #covid19 #herdimmunity #covid19usa #coviddisinfo #gbd #covidvaccines #books

Last updated 1 year ago

"The book is populated by quacks, mountebanks and charlatans — and not a few scholars with distinguished academic records — many of whom appear to have been seduced by the embrace of the right-wing echo chamber into promoting unproven and disproved policies."

Michael Hiltzik reviews Dr 's


#jonathanhoward #wewanttheminfected #antivaxxers #covid19 #gbd #herdimmunity #covid19usa #coviddisinfo #covidvaccines #books

Last updated 1 year ago

Ms. Opossum is burnt out. · @anarchodelphis
444 followers · 550 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Still, this is not a substantial benefit for the cost of a 76% excess in mental health diagnoses amongst those who were "shielded". Targeted protection was, as the authors state, untested; & it was floated as an idea by the Great Barrington Declaration signatories.

#covid19 #gbd

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricketson · @ricketson
42 followers · 360 posts · Server kolektiva.social

You may be surprised to learn that there is a whole network of 'respectable' publishers and think-tanks that produce right-wing content even more paranoid and delusional than Fox News. A big one is the Epoch Times - a Hong Kong publisher that has become increasingly focused on the USA along with massive promotion -- both online and by sending sample editions through the post office.
Another is the Claremont Institute, that often passes as a conventional country club conservative publication, but uses it's massive endowment to enthusiastically promote the idea that Democrats plan to burn America and citizenship must be revoked from their political opponents based on far-fetched legal theories.

So if you see a new seemingly respectable think-tank, and notice that it's founder is proud of his work with the Epoch Times, then you know what to expect. (BTW - the Brownstone Inst evolved from the Great Barrington Declaration).


#propaganda #conservative #far #epoch #Brownstone #gbd #claremont #news #usa

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1261 followers · 979 posts · Server det.social

Viele der -Bros sind bei Twitter wieder auf dem Weg .

Nach Corona verharmlosen/leugnen, ist jetzt plötzlich die Leugnung des Klimawandels voll angesagt.

Von wem der Thinktank in Great Barrington finanziert wird, war schon immer bekannt, von gut betuchten Klimawandelleugnern.

Aufgabe: Öffentliche Meinung manipulieren - für eine ungezügelte Wirtschaft.


#gbd #backtotheroots

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1261 followers · 978 posts · Server det.social

Sicherlich nur ein Zufall, dass die -Chefverharmloser & Infektionsinfluencer Streeck, Stöhr und Chanasit seit 2020 von BILD und WELT gepusht wurden.

#COVID19 #dopfner #fdp #cdu #gbd #klimaleugner

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1261 followers · 962 posts · Server det.social

Die Aufgabe der ganzen Zackis und Holmenolme bei Twitter - der Fans von Streeck, Stöhr, Chanasit - war schon immer nur:

Täglich die öffentliche Meinung manipulieren - für eine ungezügelte Wirtschaft.

Nach -Desinformation kommt jetzt wieder -Geschwurbel - Klimaleugnung.

Die -Bros sind wieder auf dem Weg .

Von wem der Thinktank in Great Barrington finanziert wird, war schon immer bekannt, von gut betuchten Klimawandelleugnern.


#corona #COVID19 #klima #gbd #backtotheroots

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1242 followers · 922 posts · Server det.social

entschuldigt sich für falsche Interpretation der Maskenstudie.

Jedem Laien war klar, dass die -Schlussfolgerungen Blödsinn waren, nicht nur wegen dem als Impf-, Masken- und Maßnahmengegner bekannten Autor Jefferson - -Marionette.

Den Infektionsinfluencern , , und war das natürlich nicht klar. ;-)

Na gut, war ihnen natürlich auch klar, passte aber mal wieder perfekt zur perfiden Stimmungsmache.

#cochrane #Masken #cochranereview #gbd #Streeck #Chanasit #stohr #scheuch

Last updated 2 years ago

Auscandoc · @auscandoc
665 followers · 4199 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

“However, a nuanced discussion of the trade-offs inherent in pandemic control measures was not achieved last week. The Great Barrington Declaration (), for example, dominated the conversation.

It looks like we are entering a new phase of .. . “


#gbd #pandemicrevisionism

Last updated 2 years ago

TracingCOVID · @tracingcovid
176 followers · 285 posts · Server mstdn.social

nymag.com/intelligencer/articl "The membrane between academia and industry is permeable almost everywhere; the membrane is practically nonexistent at Stanford, a school so entangled with tech that it can be hard to tell where the university ends and the businesses begin."

#gbd #coi #paloalto #sanfrancisco #bayarea #infodemic #COVID

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric's Risk Assessment · @EricCarroll
1916 followers · 2773 posts · Server zeroes.ca

An excellent article from @luckytran

has done significant reputational damage to its "gold standard" brand by lending its name to a antivax advocacy policy shop led analysis.

"Jefferson [the lead author] works for the Brownstone Institute, a misinformation group that is powered by dark money."

_Don’t believe those who claim science proves masks don’t work_


#cochrane #gbd #covid19 #covid #weararespirator #sarscov2 #SARS2

Last updated 2 years ago

Nun ja, @Tim_Roehn, dafür dürfen bei WELT Vertreter der - angefasst mit Samthandschuhen- fabulieren, und Ihr habt alles dafür getan, Maßnahmen zu untergraben und die Impfung schlecht zu reden.Eure Stories sind sowas von lächerlich. Das müsste eigentlich aufgearbeitet werden.


Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1215 followers · 710 posts · Server det.social

der Schwedenfreund sah gestern seine -Stunde gekommen. Von Beginn der Pandemie an hat er immer seinen Schwedenfreunden ein Podium geboten. war wie immer zu freundlich. Von Grill kam nur wieder sein Luftfilter-Bashing. im .

#lanz #gbd #lauterbach #erbarmlicheveranstaltung #zdf

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1212 followers · 678 posts · Server det.social

Nach diesem Artikel kam leider nicht mehr viel zu & .

"... erinnert an Methoden d. Tabakindustrie, die sich seit Jahrzehnten in d. öffentliche Debatte einmischt + Rauchen, Passivrauchen u. E-Zigaretten verharmlost."

„Erklärtes Ziel ist es, eine "wirklich freie Gesellschaft" zu fördern, "mit freien Märkten u. einer begrenzten Regierung … Das AIER will die öffentliche Meinung manipulieren - für eine ungezügelte Wirtschaft.“


#gbd #aier #BrownstoneInstitute #cochranereview

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1211 followers · 675 posts · Server det.social


« "Außerdem sei der Hauptautor der -Studie bekannt dafür, bestimmte Schutzmaßnahmen sehr kritisch zu sehen. „Er hat aus seiner Ablehnung der nie einen Hehl gemacht“, so Prof. Pletz. Von daher überrasche ihn das Ergebnis auch nicht. » 👇


#cochranereview #cochrane #Masken #gbd #aier #BrownstoneInstitute

Last updated 2 years ago

Der Wäller 🐘:det:✅️ · @Der_Waeller
1211 followers · 673 posts · Server det.social

"Kurzer Blick auf den Review zu : Warum wurde Abaluck-Studie mit 300.000 Teilnehmern mit 41% gewichtet, aber rund 40x kleinere negative Studien mit je 20%? ... Abaluck wurde nicht von der Regierung/Industrie finanziert, sondern von NGOs und in Science veröffentlicht!👇


#cochrane #Masken #cochranereview #gbd #aier #BrownstoneInstitute

Last updated 2 years ago