The power of #gCAD3D, if you know how to use it, here's a hull I made when trying to learn this very powerful little program, the surfaces are done by manual input via #APT #CNC code, a simple language. #opensource #CAD #hull #rowing #boat
#boat #rowing #hull #cad #OpenSource #cnc #apt #gcad3d
My tiny #gCAD3D has recently been updated to version 2.60, very useful when others fail in certain operations I do, it has some defects, but it is powerful if used in the correct way with many functions and installed it occupies only 1.8MB ;)
For #Ubuntu #Deb or #RPM is needed this dependencies "libgtkgl2.0-1" to make it working, is under rewrite of some part but works with it until the update of# #IGES of the export code. #CAD #linux #OpenSource
#OpenSource #Linux #cad #iges #rpm #deb #Ubuntu #gcad3d
Sometimes I try them all but in the end even if #gCAD3D has its flaws it remains the only one that manages to export #STEP or #IGES files that can be opened by #Plasticity, I'm talking about #DXF drawings, I have to do so many of these steps it's incredible that #Moi3D, #FreeCAD or Cad Assistant all fail and a 1.3mb program does the job just fine.
#freecad #moi3d #dxf #plasticity #iges #step #gcad3d
People underestimate #gCAD3D, but it's very powerful and very small, a bit difficult to use, the best way is to use it via code, and it's not difficult, but it's also a great tool to do some small conversions from #Blender to #CAD, save into IGES or STEP, many times it handles CAD #DXF files very well and better than FreeCAD. #b3d
#b3d #dxf #cad #Blender #gcad3d
Here is a quick demonstration of a hull created directly in #Plasticity from curves which I however made in #gCAD3D with APT CNC code.
This application is simple to use and to learn especially those who know how to use #Blender will have no problems. #CAD #NURBS
#nurbs #cad #Blender #gcad3d #plasticity
About #APT I found many old Book in Internet Archive they are useful in order to understand better the manual input for #gCAD3D
Link to the PDF here
Reading better the documentations I learned #gCAD3D uses #APT (Automatically Programmed Tool) an old language first appeared in 1956.
Apt is non-proprietary. It was developed at MIT with cooperation of industry and funded in part by the US Air Force. It is defined by the ANSI standard NCITS 37-1999. Most Apt compilers , however, are proprietary.
ISO 4343:2000
Industrial automation systems β Numerical control of machines β NC processor output β Post processor commands
If you have time to learn this is another great CAD, very simple but also so powerful. Is #gCAD3D a #CAD that struggled me at beginning but now I understood and I like it. This is a Whitehall row boats. Totally done with manual inserting via code.
gCAD3D works well with #CATIA step file and if you have a #IGES or a STEP you can Inspect the code and learn how make surface via coding.
Don't underestimate the power of gCAD3D π
#boat #design #hull.
#hull #Design #boat #iges #catia #cad #gcad3d
@osarch @ericbuijs @normand Good question #SolveSpace has own integrated NURBS geometric kernel, that is dramatically smaller than Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT), but has limited features support as for now.
#libslvs is a SolveSpace own integrated geometry constraints solver, which already has a Python wrapper, used in Blender, FreeCAD, Pyslvs:
JFTR, There are some other apps with own CAD-like kernels with NURBS support: #gCAD3D, #Ayam, #Antimony, #libfive, #Seamless3d.
#solvespace #libslvs #gcad3d #Ayam #antimony #libfive #seamless3d