Another beautiful morning on the beach after a Cold Front cleared out. 4 failing #gcobol tests fixed with the latest build. And a bug report from a user. Great morning!
Three days of autotest test suites. Brain-fry. Mixed in, a “sacred text” Discussion about the number of angels on the head of a pin. #gcobol will be the better for all of it.
On a steep learning curve, GNU “autotest”. Thanks to #GnuCOBOL, there is a great base testsuite! Now we need it for COBOL for GCC!
#gnucobol #cobol #gcobol #cobolworx
#Frischzellenkur für die #Programmiersprache #COBOL: Neuer #FOSS-Compiler #gcobol.
Als Frontend für die GNU Compiler Collection nutzt gcobol GCC, um native Binary Executables zu erzeugen. ...
#Frischzellenkur #programmiersprache #cobol #foss #gcobol