Anyone own a #Radioddity #GD88?
Is there any way to get it to not use the internal speaker when you have an audio output plugged in? That seems like it should just not happen.
Last but certainly not least:
Has anyone else gotten the #GD88 working for #APRS? I can't seem to get it to decode packets. #HamRadio #AmateruRadio
#gd88 #aprs #hamradio #amateruRadio
Okay, #HamRadio Mastodon, I have a question that I apparently need handholding to answer:
I have a #Radioddity #GD88 that I want to use to send #DMR SMS msgs to #SMSGTE.
I have DMR working. I have a #PiStar working and comms with #BrandMeister.
What specific steps do I need to take to actually get this thing to correctly send a DMR SMS to my phone?
Also trying to get #APRS text messaging working, but that seems like it might be a missing feature, not a lack of understanding.
#hamradio #Radioddity #gd88 #dmr #smsgte #pistar #brandmeister #aprs #amateurradio