Gamedev World aims to be a truly global developer conference - #GamedevWorld #PCGameNews #RamiIsmail #GDC2018
#gamedevworld #pcgamenews #ramiismail #gdc2018
GDC Vault Explorer v0.2 is up! Now contains summaries for all the talks. Takes a bit longer to load, so I've kept v0.1 live as a "lite version"
#gamedev #gdc2018 #gdcvaultexplorer
The Official GDC Vault is awesome, but browsing through it is a bit clunky. I tried to make filtering a bit easier and more responsive.
Here's the GDC 2018 Vault Explorer!
Unreal Engine 4でリアルタイム・パフォーマンスされた女性の動画です。女優の方の演技をキャプチャーして、そのままリアルタイムレンダリングしているそうです。本当に、凄い世の中になってきました^^; #GDC2018