RT @_ttemporin: Realizei um sonho!!!!
Sou Google Developer Expert em Go!!!
Obrigado a todos que me apoiaram nessa caminhada, em especial ao @eminetto @badtux_ @avelinorun e @sseraphini que desde o começo do blog me ajudam compartilhando o conteúdo que crio!!!
Hi! 👋🏻 I'm Anna Leushchenko - #Flutter #GDE from #Ukraine
I always upload all my conference talks on YouTube:
And publish all my articles for free on Medium:
If my work helped you in any way, and if you'd like to show gratitude 👇🏻
My #GoogleDeveloperExpert in #Flutter certificate has just arrived! 🎉💙
Extremely grateful to the #GDE program for the opportunities, connections, and recognition! 🚀
#googledeveloperexpert #Flutter #gde
Can we map global #groundwater dependant ecosystems (#GDE)? Andres took a shot at it in this new paper:
This awesome #GDE plaque is super cool. I will need to add more pins 😎. Thank you #GoogleDeveloperExperts ♥️
I am Ulises Gascon from Spain. I am a software engineer and #maker who loves building #IOT and #Robotics projects. I maintain #OpenSource software in the #javascript and #nodejs ecosystem, including @nodejs itself.
Aside from that, I am a #GDE, #MVP, #dockercaptain, #Auth0Ambassador and I participate in events as a speaker
You can check more details at https://ulisesgascon.com
#introduction #maker #iot #robotics #opensource #javascript #nodejs #gde #mvp #dockercaptain #auth0ambassador
Will be speaking on Web+Generative AI+ML (and how can I talk about them if I don't talk about WebGPu?) in confer conf :D
"On Device Generative AI: Building your own Dall-E in the browser, welcome WebGPU"
RT @Enea_Jahollari
I’m super happy and excited to announce that I'm a Google Developer Expert in Angular 🎉
Huge thanks to @pkozlowski_os @twerske @ankitsharma_007 , and also all of you that support me 🙌!
#angular #gde https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1654424342296444929
RT @Enea_Jahollari
I’m super happy and excited to announce that I'm a Google Developer Expert in Angular 🎉
Huge thanks to @pkozlowski_os @twerske @ankitsharma_007 , and also all of you that support me 🙌!
#angular #gde https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1654424342296444929
@jpetazzo From my point of view, the platform is still one of the most "dev friendly" one, so it's super important to get this kind of feedbacks!
About the `kubeconfig`, I just use the `gcloud` command to generate it for me. It's possible for you?
About `minimal_version`, you are in terraform or the UI?
I'll try to get information within the #GDE program. If you want to discuss about this (better than toots), don't hesitate to ping me to plan this 😇.
/cc @glaforge
RT @GDGNuernberg
Two days to go until our next #CodingSpace and we have great news:
Thomas Künneth, Android #GoogleDeveloperExpert / #GDE will talk about #Foldables on #Android and which possibilities they offer to us. Looking forward to that one!
RSVP here: https://gdg.community.dev/events/details/google-gdg-nuremberg-presents-coding-space-explore-code-with-us-2023-04-06/
#codingspace #GoogleDeveloperExpert #gde #Foldables #android
Today, I will be speaking at the virtual #FlutterForwardExtended meetup organized by Google Developers Group Zagreb @gdgzagreb. Join us to listen to the story of a Flutter app in a growing company! It will be fun, with quizzes and surprises!
RT @gdgzagreb
Today is a #FlutterForward Extended day and we have some cool prizes for you!
Our amazing #GDE for #Flutter @ulusoyapps will give away 3 #Wolt coupons for the most knowledgeable pe…
#flutterforwardextended #flutterforward #gde #Flutter #wolt
This time my talk will be recorded 💙 @gdgzagreb 🇭🇷
RT @gdgzagreb
🐦 Join us next week to discover the upcoming things in #Flutter! 🐦
We'll also be joined by @ulusoyapps, a #GDE and Flutter Competence Lead at #Wolt, who will share his experience using Flutter in a rapidly growing company.
#flutterforward #gdg
#Flutter #gde #wolt #flutterforward #gdg
Well @AWSAmplify Flutter team has now two GDEs.
Congratulations Mo! Looking forward to what you will be doing with the Flutter community!
RT @_Mo_Malaka_
Exciting news! I am thrilled to announce that I have officially become a #GDE for #Flutter. A huge thanks to @GoogleDevExpert and @FlutterDev community for their support and encouragement. Let's continue collaborating to drive innovation in the Flutter ecosystem! 🚀👍 🎉👏 https://t…
Feeling the love of Google Cloud Innovators Plus.
#InnovatorsPlus offers access to the entire catalog of Google Cloud Skills Boost on-demand training
#innovatorsplus #google #cloud #training #gde #gcp
Feeling the love of Google Cloud Innovators Plus.
#InnovatorsPlus offers access to the entire catalog of Google Cloud Skills Boost on-demand training
#innovatorsplus #google #cloud #training #gde #gcp
Yes, it feels so good to be back at monthly meet-ups by MSCC. Thanks to Alludo
Today's theme was about cloud provisioning. Chittesh covered Terraform and AWS, Doosan demo'd ArgoCD, and I spoke about #gcloud batching. Approx 50 attendees. 🎉🎉
Mein Geschäftspartner @nicomartin ist seit 2021 Mitglied der Google Developer Expert Community. Er war in Berlin für den GDE Summit 2023 und hat ein Bericht in unserem Blog geschrieben. https://sayhello.ch/blog/gde-summit-2023/ #GoogleDeveloperExperts #GDE #GoogleDevEurope
#GoogleDeveloperExperts #gde #googledeveurope