DevFest WI (
Psst! DevFest WI CFP closes THIS SATURDAY?
Whether you're a first-time presenter or a seasoned speaker, we can't wait to hear what you've got to say! Visit to submit your talk proposals through July 15th.
#devfest2023 #devfestwi #gdg #gdgmadison
#devfest2023 #devfestwi #gdg #gdgmadison
Das Humanitäre Völkerrecht unterscheidet zwischen Söldnern und "private military contractors" (PMCs). Anhand der im Ukraine-Krieg aktiven Wagner-Gruppe zeigt Sarah Katharina Stein in "Geschichte der Gegenwart" die Unterschiede auf.
➡️ ("Wagner ist keine Söldnertruppe – und das ist nicht so gut, wie es auf den ersten Blick scheint")
➡️ (Enzyklopädie)
#HumanitäresVölkerrecht #HVR #InternationalLaw #IHL #Ukraine #PMC #GdG #Montreux #Söldner #Wagner
#humanitaresvolkerrecht #HVR #internationallaw #IHL #Ukraine #pmc #gdg #montreux #soldner #wagner
If you’re in Orlando tomorrow evening, bring your laptop to DesignInteractive.NET and get ready to write Android apps, even if you’re new to programming! I’ll walk you through the steps and make you a mobile developer.
#Orlando #GDG #GoogleDeveloperGroup #Android #Python #RenPy #programming #meetup #game #games #VisualNovel #VisualNovels
#orlando #gdg #googledevelopergroup #android #python #renpy #programming #meetup #game #games #visualnovel #visualnovels
On Thursday, I’ll be in Orlando talking about Ren’Py, the Python-powered visual novel/turn-based game multimedia development framework that just happens to be a great way for beginners to build Android apps!
#Orlando #GDG #GoogleDeveloperGroup #Android #Python #RenPy #programming #meetup #game #games #VisualNovel #VisualNovels
#orlando #gdg #googledevelopergroup #android #python #renpy #programming #meetup #game #games #visualnovel #visualnovels
Hey, Orlando-based coders — I’m speaking at Google Developer Group Central Florida on Thursday, and I’ll be talking about the most beginner-friendly Android developer tool that you might never have heard of: Ren’Py!
#Orlando #GDG #GoogleDeveloperGroup #Android #Python #RenPy #programming #meetup #game #games #VisualNovel #VisualNovels
#orlando #gdg #googledevelopergroup #android #python #renpy #programming #meetup #game #games #visualnovel #visualnovels
Hey, Orlando developers — next week, I’m doing a fun presentation on Ren’Py, the Python-based beginner-friendly tool that’s also the easiest way to build interactive visual novels and games for Android!
#Orlando #GDG #GoogleDeveloperGroup #Android #Python #RenPy #programming #meetup #game #games #VisualNovel #VisualNovels
#orlando #gdg #googledevelopergroup #android #python #renpy #programming #meetup #game #games #visualnovel #visualnovels
this is our space
RT @GDGNuernberg
Next week Thursday
📅 04/05/23
🕕 6 pm
🏢 Zollhof 7
is our next #CodingSpace.
It's be about an architectural topics in #dart / #flutter and any other topic you like! See you there. Feel also free to enter the stage - space people.
@zollhofHQ #gdg
#codingspace #dart #flutter #gdg
#Kleopatra – Schwarz oder Weiß? Hintergründe einer schwarzweißen Debatte #GdG @G_der_Gegenwart
Comparto nesta rede malia que o #GDG Coruña penso que non se pasou ao fediverso aínda 🫣
É un pracer e un privilexio estar entre o panel de profesionais da tecnoloxía que falarán o 6 de maio na Coruña ao abeiro do #Women #Techmakers Galicia 2023. Con moitas ganas de volver atopar a algunhas, desvirtualizar a outras, e coñecer ao resto! 😊
Vémonos no sábado 6 de maio!!
Who's also going to #GoogleIOConnect in Amsterdam? Happy to meet you all again!
#gdg @gdg
Super excited to continue #CodingSpace. We listen to our problems, help each other and by that build a trustworthy environment for all of us to grow!
Thank you so much for being the space in coding space @zollhofHQ. See you around, space people!
#gdg #flutter #android
RT @GDGNuernberg
Big up for our next #CodingSpace
Thursday, 6th April 6pm at @zollhofHQ -->
Bring your problems, learnings, question…
#codingspace #gdg #flutter #android
🧧 RSVP for tonight's #PrepWithGDG!
🗓️ 29.03, 10.04 - 15.05
With Fady as guest speaker!
Is a series of virtual event dedicated to certification in Professional #MachineLearning Engineer:
#prepwithgdg #machinelearning #gcp #gdg #gdgcloudmunich
RT @GDGSevilla
¡NUEVO EVENTO! Flutter Forward Extended Sevilla
Evento de Flutter. Más info en el enlace.
🎫 Confirma tu asistencia gratis:
🗓 Jueves 30 de marzo
⏰ 18:00h
📍 ETSII. Aula B1.33 @etsii @unisevilla
#gdgsevilla #gdg #googledevelopersgroup #svqtech
This time my talk will be recorded 💙 @gdgzagreb 🇭🇷
RT @gdgzagreb
🐦 Join us next week to discover the upcoming things in #Flutter! 🐦
We'll also be joined by @ulusoyapps, a #GDE and Flutter Competence Lead at #Wolt, who will share his experience using Flutter in a rapidly growing company.
#flutterforward #gdg
#Flutter #gde #wolt #flutterforward #gdg
Der #Freitagspost aus dem #Archiv von #GdG. Über zwei kluge britische TV Serien im Zeichen einer dringend erneuerungsbedürftigen Polizei.
🗓️ March 16, 2023, 18:30
📍Ory Corp office in Munich
🥁 The schedule is set for our exclusive interactive gathering! Secure your virtual or in-person spot at
@OryCorp #CloudNative #gdg @googledevgroups @GoogleDevEurope #Dataform #Dataplex
#cloudnative #gdg #dataform #dataplex
Bring your laptop and project. Let's code together and help each other!
RT @GDGNuernberg
Good news! We start a new event series which will repeat monthly now...
It's called "Coding Space"
First event on 2/3/23 at 6 pm at Zollhof
Find out more or get your "Explore Space Ticket"
See you around!
#GDG #FlutterDev #AndroidDev #spacecoding
#gdg #flutterdev #AndroidDev #spacecoding
Vor einem Jahr überfiel Putins Armee die Ukraine. Literatur gegen Desinformation, Literatur gegen das Scheinargument, alle Kriege würden sich sowie gleichen und daher muss man auch nichts weiter verstehen.
Der #Freitagspost aus dem #Archiv von #GdG:
📢 It's February!
Please checkout the links below and RSVP
🗓️ 2.02 Hybrid event with #Kaggle Munich
🗓️ 23.02 Hybrid event with #MongoDB User Group
Harry up to save a spot!
And you are welcome to study together on #road to #Certification for Professional Cloud #DevOps Engineer. Next session is 🗓️ 06.01.
#München #GDG #GDGCloud #GoogleCloudPlatform #prepWithGDG #GDGCloudMunich
#kaggle #mongodb #road #certification #devops #munchen #gdg #gdgcloud #googlecloudplatform #prepwithgdg #gdgcloudmunich
🗓️ February 2, 2023, 18:30.
You're invited for an evening together with local #Kaggle community.
🎫 Save a spot
Join Kaggle community!
#kaggle #munich #googlecloud #gdg #gdgcloudmunich