MARTA and GDOT collaborating on crosswalks at bus stops is a positive outcome of a recommendation of the MARTA Army Operation Bus Stop Census report!
#atlanta #transit #marta #gdot #visionzero
@DecaturNature And one clarification, #GDOT does provide data, lagged by a couple of years, via an absolutely terrible UI that makes the service basically useless.
I think that if the number of people who have been killed (in cars, on foot, and on bike) on US 41/Northside Drive and US 78/Hollowell was ever made public, it would be horrific and shocking.
The intersection of 10th St and Northside should have a freakin' memorial with its body count.
@DecaturNature Unfortunately, the City of #Atlanta (and #GDOT) literally hide their collision data, and make it inaccessible to the public. Instead, they sell(?) the data to LexisNexis, who then sells the data to injury attorneys for, well, glorified ambulance chasing.
I've tried 311 requests, and even an Open Records request to #APD, and never heard anything back.
It's a really crummy situation, but par for the course in City gov't, unfortunately.
#atlanta #gdot #apd #data #governance