#Degrowth #Sustainability #Economics #GDPGrowth: "You debunk overly rosy projections by techno-optimists, who say we can solve all our problems with smarter computers, and economists, who promise endless capitalist growth. In many countries, the downside of material growth now seems greater than the upside, which leads to what you call “anthropogenic insults to ecosystems”. Is that a fair summary?
Yes, I think so. Without a biosphere in a good shape, there is no life on the planet. It’s very simple. That’s all you need to know. The economists will tell you we can decouple growth from material consumption, but that is total nonsense. The options are quite clear from the historical evidence. If you don’t manage decline, then you succumb to it and you are gone. The best hope is that you find some way to manage it. We are in a better position to do that now than we were 50 or 100 years ago, because our knowledge is much vaster. If we sit down, we can come up with something. It won’t be painless, but we can come up with ways to minimise that pain.
So we need to change our expectations of GDP growth?
Yes, the simple fact is that however you define happiness, we know – and we have known this for ages – that the amount of GDP is not going to improve your satisfaction with life, equanimity and sense of wellbeing. (...)
Is that point the golden mean? Is that what we should be aiming for rather than pushing until growth becomes malign, cancerous, obese and environmentally destructive?
Exactly. That would be nice. We could halve our energy and material consumption and this would put us back around the level of the 1960s. We could cut down without losing anything important. Life wasn’t horrible in 1960s or 70s Europe. People from Copenhagen would no longer be able to fly to Singapore for a three-day visit, but so what? Not much is going to happen to their lives. People don’t realise how much slack in the system we have."
#degrowth #sustainability #economics #gdpgrowth
Morgan Stanley credits Bidenomics for ‘much stronger’ than expected GDP growth
#MorganStanley #Bidenomics #GDPgrowth #stronger #economicrecovery #news #Politics #News
#morganstanley #Bidenomics #gdpgrowth #stronger #economicrecovery #news #politics
Japan's GDP revised sharply higher, grew 2.7% in the first quarter on robust spending https://cnb.cx/42opzhz
But the productivity of Japan is the lowest in the G7.
How will we improve our productivity?
#GDP #gdpgrowth #GDPJapan #Oxford #OxfordSpeedway #Economy #NorihiroYamaguchi
#norihiroyamaguchi #economy #oxfordspeedway #oxford #gdpjapan #gdpgrowth #gdp
Japan's GDP revised sharply higher, grew 2.7% in the first quarter on robust spending https://cnb.cx/42opzhz
But the productivity of Japan is the lowest in the G7.
How will we improve our productivity?
#GDP #gdpgrowth #GDPJapan #Oxford #OxfordSpeedway #Economy #NorihiroYamaguchi
#norihiroyamaguchi #economy #oxfordspeedway #oxford #gdpjapan #gdpgrowth #gdp
Japan's GDP revised sharply higher, grew 2.7% in the first quarter on robust spending https://cnb.cx/42opzhz
But the productivity of Japan is the lowest in the G7.
How will we improve our productivity?
#GDP #gdpgrowth #GDPJapan #Oxford #OxfordSpeedway #Economy #NorihiroYamaguchi
#norihiroyamaguchi #economy #oxfordspeedway #oxford #gdpjapan #gdpgrowth #gdp
பணமதிப்பிழப்பு நடவடிக்கையால் ஏற்பட்ட பொருளாதார சரிவுக்கு மோடி அரசு மக்களிடம் பதில் சொல்லியாக வேண்டும்...பணமதிப்பிழப்பால் அடுத்தடுத்த ஆண்டுகளில் ஏற்பட்ட ஒட்டுமொத்த இழப்பு 15 லட்சம் கோடி - தோழர் @drthomasisaac@twitter.com #CPIM #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #GDPGrowth #BJPGovt #ModiFails
#cpim #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #gdpgrowth #BJPGovt #ModiFails
India to post 6.5-7.1% growth in FY23: Deloitte
#GDPgrowth #India #FY23
Source : Livemint
மீண்டும் வளர்ச்சி பாதையில் கேரள பொருளாதாரம்...
கொரோனா பெருந்தொற்றால் வீழ்ச்சியடைந்திருந்த கேரள பொருளாதாரம் மீண்டும் வளர்ச்சி அடைந்துள்ளது - தோழர் @drthomasisaac@twitter.com கேரள முன்னாள் நிதியமைச்சர் #CPIM #Kerala #KeralaLeads #LDFGovt #EconomyGrowth #PinarayiVijayan #GDPGrowth
#cpim #kerala #KeralaLeads #LDFgovt #economygrowth #pinarayivijayan #gdpgrowth
நடப்பு நிதி ஆண்டின் முதல் காலாண்டில் இந்திய பொருளாதாரம் 13.5 சதவீதம் வளர்ச்சி!
https://patrikai.com/indias-q1fy23-gdp-grows-13-5-fastest-in-a-year-govt-data/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#gdpgrowth #gdp #q1fy23 #IndianEconomy
Putin just labelled the #monetarySystem out of the #USA as a "#printingPress".
An Oof… to some.
One of our favourite books from the decade has to be '#GrowingForBroke' (2016) by the late #PeterNorth. It described how the obsession with #GDPGrowth was not only wrecking havok on #Australia's #environment and globally but also set to destroy our #economy.
We talked about it extensively, but the #growthObsession only took a breather during #COVID.
#monetarySystem #usa #printingPress #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #gdpgrowth #australia #environment #economy #growthObsession #covid #bitcoinfixesthis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #putin
இந்தியப் பொருளாதாரத்தை சிதைத்துள்ள மோடி அரசாங்கம் - தோழர் @SitaramYechury@twitter.com பொதுச் செயலாளர் #CPIM #BJPGovt #ModiFails #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #GDPGrowth #PublicInvestments #UnEmployment #Modi4Corporates #BJPDestroyingIndia #BJPBetrayedIndia #Modi4Corporates
#cpim #BJPGovt #ModiFails #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #gdpgrowth #PublicInvestments #unemployment #Modi4Corporates #BJPDestroyingINDIA #BJPBetrayedIndia
“உலகிலேயே மிக வேகமாக வளர்வது இந்தியாவின் பொருளாதாரம்” என வாய்ப்பந்தல் போடும் மோடி அரசாங்கம் - தோழர் @SitaramYechury@twitter.com பொதுச் செயலாளர் #CPIM #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #EconomicInEquality #GDPGrowth #PeopleSufferedPoor #PriceHike #FoodProducts #Gas #Petrol #Diesel
#cpim #IndianEconomy #EconomicFallDown #economicinequality #gdpgrowth #PeopleSufferedPoor #pricehike #FoodProducts #gas #petrol #diesel
We theorised last year that there's a definate air of #1970s-style #PropertyOwningDemocracy in the mania surrounding #scamTokens.
On this occasion though we think the #moneyPrinters will always reward those participating in the #mania via #AI because it keeps #kids off streets and in a digital, electrified world.
For the longest time, they've been trying to decouple #GDPGrowth from #growth in energy/resource use.
Its bad to use #ethScam + #algos + #moneyPump for it.
#1970s #PropertyOwningDemocracy #scamTokens #moneyPrinters #mania #ai #kids #gdpgrowth #growth #ethScam #algos #moneyPump
வளரும் நாடுகளிலேயே இந்தியாவில்தான் சுகாதாரம், மருத்துவத்துக்கு குறைவான நிதி ஒதுக்கீடு! மோடி அரசே, சுகாதரத்துக்கான நிதி ஒதுக்கீட்டை குறைந்தபட்சம் 3% ஆக உயர்த்து. - தோழர் @SitaramYechury@twitter.com #CPIM #GDPGrowth #CovidDeaths #DistrustsModi #StopShamingIndia #ModiBetrayedIndia
#gdpgrowth #coviddeaths #cpim #StopShamingIndia #ModiBetrayedIndia #DistrustsModi
We are pro-action to prevent the destruction of our envionment.
One of the worst parts of their agenda though, is to decouple #GDPGrowth from consumption by using #ethereumScamTokens.
All that does is further entrenches inequality through, hyper-financialisation, when what we really need is a period of #Degrowth.
#gdpgrowth #ethereumScamTokens #degrowth
வேகமாக வளரும் பொருளாதாரம்: இந்தியாவின் ஜிடிபி 8.4% ஆக உயர்வு… https://patrikai.com/gdp-grows-at-8-4-in-q2-india-maintains-status-as-fastest-growing-economy/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#GDP #GDPgrowth #economy #Economia #India @nsitharaman@twitter.com @BJP4TamilNadu@twitter.com @BJP4India@twitter.com
#india #economia #economy #gdpgrowth #gdp
அரசின் முதலீடுகள் இப்படி கடுமையாக குறைந்திருக்கும் பின்னணியில், பொருளாதாரம் மேலும் வீழ்ச்சியையே சந்திக்கும் - தோழர் சீத்தாராம் யெச்சூரி, பொதுச் செயலாளர் #CPIM #GdpGrowth #economyfalldown #IndianEconomy #modifailedindia
#cpim #gdpgrowth #EconomyFallDown #IndianEconomy #ModiFailedIndia
ஆர்எஸ்எஸ்-பாஜக-மோடி ஆட்சியில் 7 ஆண்டுகளில் நாட்டின் வளர்ச்சியைப் பாரீர்; #GDPGrowth #PerCapitaGDP #PerCapitaDebt #Unemployment #FuelPriceHike #PressFreedom #GlobalHungerIndex #ModiFailedIndia #BJPFailedIndia
#gdpgrowth #PerCapitaGDP #PerCapitaDebt #unemployment #fuelpricehike #pressfreedom #globalhungerindex #ModiFailedIndia #bjpfailedindia
So have the #kleptocrats who celebrate #GDPGrowth done enough damage, yet?
A: No. Artificial insemination and #BigPharma are lucrative #growthIndustries, derrrrrr.
Thanks for sharing.
#kleptocrats #gdpgrowth #bigpharma #growthIndustries
But #DisasterCorporatism dictates that a mulinational can get a lot of money to cleanup an #oilSpill.
Which #fossilFuel company said a variation of the above as a way to boost #GDPgrowth in #Australia?
#EnvironmentalImpactStatement #pollution #externalBenefit #jobs #jerbz #corporateWelfare #neoFeudalism
#disasterCorporatism #oilspill #fossilfuel #gdpgrowth #australia #bp #EnvironmentalImpactStatement #pollution #externalBenefit #jobs #jerbz #corporatewelfare #neofeudalism