The further news of Gearbox being potentially on the chopping block are also not too surprising… It’s just: Who’s gonna buy this Frankenstein version of it? #GearboxSoftware, i.e. the ‘Borderlands’ people, and maybe the initial publishing arm responsible for ‘We Happy Few’ and the current ‘Homeworld’ stuff, would probably be snatched up by Take-Two/2K in a hearbeat.
#gearboxsoftware #embracergroup #gearboxentertainment #gearboxpublishing
Embracer Group despide a varios empleados de Gearbox Publishing. Siguiendo con su reestructuración y tras el cierre de Volition, recorta personal en la división de publicación de Gearbox. Gearbox Publishing se encargaba de editar juegos de terceros como Bulletstorm o Remnant 2. #GearboxPublishing #Gearbox #Embracer
#gearboxpublishing #gearbox #embracer
Embracer Group ha licenziato alcuni dipendenti di Gearbox Publishing
#EmbracerGroup #gearboxpublishing
Blackbird Interactive used VR to sculpt Homeworld 3's new Mothership - #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #BlackbirdInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #GearboxPublishing #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Simulation #Homeworld3 #Strategy #PC
#pc #Homeworld3 #simulation #thirdperson #singleplayer #gearboxpublishing #birdview #blackbirdinteractive #multiplayercompetitive #multiplayercooperative #strategy
The joy of cheesing bosses in Remnant 2 - #MultiplayerCooperative #GearboxPublishing #ActionAdventure #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Remnant2 #Shooter #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #shooter #remnant2 #thirdperson #singleplayer #ActionAdventure #gearboxpublishing #multiplayercooperative
Homeworld Remastered Collection is currently free to keep on the Epic Games store - #HomeworldRemasteredCollection #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #MultiplayerCompetitive #Birdview/Isometric #GearboxPublishing #GearboxSoftware #ActionAdventure #EpicGamesStore #SinglePlayer #Simulation #Strategy #PC
#pc #simulation #singleplayer #epicgamesstore #ActionAdventure #gearboxsoftware #gearboxpublishing #birdview #multiplayercompetitive #strategy #homeworldremasteredcollection
Hyper Light Breaker muestra su mundo abierto cambiante en un nuevo tráiler
#Noticias #GearboxPublishing #HeartMachine #HyperLightBreaker #Triler
#noticias #gearboxpublishing #heartmachine #hyperlightbreaker #triler
Remnant 2 is a co-op shooter on track to deliver this year's most dependable sequel - #MultiplayerCooperative #GearboxPublishing #ActionAdventure #SummerGameFest #GunfireGames #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Remnant2 #Preview #Shooter #E32023 #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #E32023 #shooter #preview #remnant2 #thirdperson #singleplayer #gunfiregames #SummerGameFest #ActionAdventure #gearboxpublishing #multiplayercooperative
Everything announced at Day Of The Devs: SGF Edition 2023 - #GeometricInteractive #ThunderfulPublishing #AnnapurnaInteractive #LululuEntertainment #Birdview/Isometric #MarsFirstLogistics #SaltseaChronicles #HyperLightBreaker #GearboxPublishing #RichardHofmeier #ActionAdventure #WishesUnlimited #SummerGameFest #NintendoSwitch #DieGuteFabrik #HenryHalfhead #SadOwlStudios #MoonloopGames #SimplerTimes #Land
#land #simplertimes #moonloopgames #sadowlstudios #henryhalfhead #diegutefabrik #nintendoswitch #SummerGameFest #wishesunlimited #ActionAdventure #richardhofmeier #gearboxpublishing #HyperLightBreaker #saltseachronicles #MarsFirstLogistics #birdview #LululuEntertainment #annapurnainteractive #ThunderfulPublishing #GeometricInteractive
Remnant 2's new trailer teases more co-op blasting and bloodthirsty gods - #MultiplayerCooperative #SummerGameFest2023 #GearboxPublishing #ActionAdventure #GunfireGames #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Remnant2 #Shooter #E32023 #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #E32023 #shooter #remnant2 #thirdperson #singleplayer #gunfiregames #ActionAdventure #gearboxpublishing #summergamefest2023 #multiplayercooperative
Homeworld 3 has been delayed to February 2024 - #Strategy:Real-TimeStrategy #MultiplayerCompetitive #MultiplayerCooperative #BlackbirdInteractive #Birdview/Isometric #GearboxPublishing #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Homeworld3 #Simulation #Strategy #PC
#pc #simulation #Homeworld3 #thirdperson #singleplayer #gearboxpublishing #birdview #blackbirdinteractive #multiplayercooperative #multiplayercompetitive #strategy
Saints Row gets a combat overhaul next week alongside map expansion - #MultiplayerCooperative #DeepSilverVolition #GearboxPublishing #SaintsRow(2022) #ActionAdventure #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Blockbuster #Thirdperson #DeepSilver #OpenWorld #Volition #Shooter #XboxOne #PS5 #PS4 #PC
#pc #ps4 #ps5 #xboxone #shooter #volition #openworld #deepsilver #thirdperson #blockbuster #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #ActionAdventure #saintsrow #gearboxpublishing #DeepSilverVolition #multiplayercooperative
Have A Nice Death has left early access after a year of updates - #MagicDesignStudios #GearboxPublishing #ActionAdventure #HaveANiceDeath #Hack&Slash; #Roguelike
#roguelike #hack #HaveANiceDeath #ActionAdventure #gearboxpublishing #magicdesignstudios
Have a Nice Death se muestra en un nuevo tráiler descriptivo
#IndieGames #Noticias #GearboxPublishing #HaveaNiceDeath #Indiegames #MediaIndieExange #Roguelite
#indiegames #noticias #gearboxpublishing #haveanicedeath #mediaindieexange #roguelite
Hyper Light Breaker presenta un nuevo tráiler y acceso anticipado a Steam
#IndieGames #Noticias #GearboxPublishing #HeartMachine #HyperLightBreaker #HyperLightDrifter #Indiegames #Roguelite
#indiegames #noticias #gearboxpublishing #heartmachine #hyperlightbreaker #hyperlightdrifter #roguelite
Hyper Light Breaker's first gameplay trailer shows off stylish action and fast-paced traversal - #HyperLightBreaker #GearboxPublishing #HyperLightDrifter #ActionAdventure #HeartMachine #OpenWorld #Roguelike
#roguelike #openworld #heartmachine #ActionAdventure #HyperLightDrifter #gearboxpublishing #HyperLightBreaker
Have a Nice Death nos enseña “la vida en el más allá” con el final de su serie de vídeos
#Noticias #GearboxPublishing #HaveaNiceDeath #MagicDesignStudios
#noticias #gearboxpublishing #haveanicedeath #magicdesignstudios
#Blanc - #PC - #Review unter
Blanc ist ein tolles kleines Indie-Abenteuerspiel mit sehr einfachen Rätseln und Jump an Run-Elementen. Das Spiel wird als Koop-Spiel vermarktet, eignet sich aufgrund der simplen Steuerung auch für Leute die alleine spielen wollen. Mehr im Test.
#Abenteuer #JumpAndRun #Rätsel #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #Video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #PCGamer #pcgame #indiegame #indiegaming #indie
#BlancTheGame #CasusLudi #GearboxPublishing
#blanc #pc #review #Abenteuer #jumpandrun #ratsel #test #tests #screenshot #screenshots #video #videos #gameplay #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgame #indiegame #indiegaming #indie #blancthegame #casusludi #gearboxpublishing
Blanc ya disponible en PC y Nintendo Switch
#IndieGames #Noticias #Blanc #CasusLudi #EpicGames #GearboxPublishing #Indiegames #NintendoSwitch #Steam
#indiegames #noticias #blanc #casusludi #epicgames #gearboxpublishing #nintendoswitch #steam
Blanc review: heartwarming co-op, but its weak second half leaves you out in the cold - #GearboxPublishing #Platformer #WotIThink #CasusLudi #Blanc #Indie
#indie #blanc #casusludi #wotithink #platformer #gearboxpublishing