RT @LouisianaGov@twitter.com
TODAY, December 10th, is election day, Louisiana! Get out and vote! #lagov #geauxvote
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LouisianaGov/status/1601562504211095554
RT @LyndaWoolard@twitter.com
I’m beaming because I just early voted for @davantelewis@twitter.com! Beautiful day in New Orleans… No line at City Hall. You can still early vote today & tomorrow. Election Day is Sat, Dec 10. Make your plan and #GeauxVote!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LyndaWoolard/status/1598729384101351425
GO VOTE!! It matters so much more than you think. Even if you think your vote doesn’t count, cast it anyway. #geauxvote #vote2022 #yourvotematters
#YourVoteMatters #vote2022 #geauxvote