The Green Comet Experience
Are you interested in lucid dreaming or ball lightning? How about the feet of geckos or spiders? The aquatic ape? Cave art? Maybe you like clouds. You mi
#AquaticApe #BallLightning #CaveArt #clouds #CollectiveNouns #GeckoFeet #greencomet #LucidDreaming #NearDeathExperience #OBE #SpiderFeet #synesthesia
#aquaticape #balllightning #caveart #clouds #collectivenouns #geckofeet #greencomet #luciddreaming #neardeathexperience #obe #spiderfeet #synesthesia
Spider Feet
Edit: See below for more on the eyes of jumping spiders.
Geckos aren't the only animals that use van der Waals force to stick to the ceiling. Sc
#Uncategorized #geckofeet #spiders
#geckofeet #spiders #uncategorized
Spider Feet
Edit: See below for more on the eyes of jumping spiders.
Geckos aren't the only animals that use van der Waals force to stick to the ceiling. Sc
#Uncategorized #geckofeet #spiders
#uncategorized #geckofeet #spiders
Gecko Feet
Since the characters in Green Comet have "gecko feet," I thought it would be good to republish an original article from my erstwhile newspaper column, "Tech Ni
#Uncategorized #geckofeet
Spider Feet
Geckos aren't the only animals that use van der Waals force to stick to the ceiling. Scientists in Germany and Switzerland have been using electron
#Uncategorized #geckofeet #spiders
#uncategorized #geckofeet #spiders