Retiring a set of old keys on a Pok3r keyboard. These served me well my years at the firm and built some incredible software. Lot’s memories in those keys. #devsrule #geeksofmastodon
Better to be a dweeb than a dunce. #Wisdomoftheday 🤓
#geeksofmastodon #geekhumor #Mastodon #Wisdomoftheday
Better to be a dweeb than a dunce. #Wisdomoftheday 🤓
#geeksofmastodon #geekhumor #Mastodon #Wisdomoftheday
Did you know that there was a link between Fibonacci numbers and Pythagoras theorem? (I did not)
Really cool
#maths #mathemathics #mathematicians
#nerdsunday #geeksofmastodon
#geeksofmastodon #nerdsunday #mathematicians #mathemathics #maths
@joncollinsdev @Lowie Sounds like we are hanging out on the right site, then ;) #geeksofmastodon #nerdsofmastodon
#geeksofmastodon #nerdsofmastodon
@rapsac Also did three years of night classes. I would note my secondary and tertiary orientation was always sciences rather than arts, let alone languages! Heio anō, kei te aroha au ī ngā whakatutu o te reo Māori. However, I love the patterns of the Māori language. If you like syntax, it's a beautiful thing! 🙂#GeeksOfMastodon !
@DeveloperMemes Any woman who doesn’t understand that and/or appreciate it, isn’t worth a cup of coffee. #geeksofmastodon