@sven I did not started any #YDNA testing, since my direct #Geisinger Ancestor is my mother and my Grandfather and his brothers already passed away. May be I will grow an interest in it when all the existing sources are gathered.
@sven I am positive that it should be possible to cut this at least to the half, since I have currently many couples were the wife has a Geisinger maiden name, and her side never was "researched". People tend to research their paternal lines first.
I know of at least 3 seperate lines which are proven seperate origin, for all the others there is a lot not look at. When I started I thought on a 10 year plan, but in the moment it seems like a lifelong plan. #Geisinger #OneNameStudy
Summer still hiding (30/52/2023):
#WikiTreeTech helped me to generate descendant list for my #Geisinger #OneNameStudy. Now I know about 140 independent lines exist in WT. A lot to connect. My cat is upset by colder rainy days, which the roses love. Some insects ate up all the rucola plants. Had some creative time to generate background graphics for the new #Meszecsov One Name Study in #WikiTree. Just received my great-grandmother's passport.
#wikitreetech #geisinger #onenamestudy #meszecsov #wikitree
The Onion: Health Inspector Conflicted After Seeing Cockroach In Restaurant Kitchen Wearing Gloves https://www.theonion.com/health-inspector-conflicted-after-seeing-cockroach-in-r-1850646790 #robyngeisinger #cockroaches #geisinger #hairnet #glove #bug
#robyngeisinger #cockroaches #geisinger #hairnet #glove #bug
Geisinger One Name Study (27/52/2023):
#Geisinger #OneNameStudy https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Geisinger_Name_Study has its 2nd #Anniversary (June 21-June 23) in #WikiTree Had some finds on some emmigrants: Martin Geisinger https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Geisinger-349 moving to Cape Hope in 1749 and Felix Geisinger https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Geisinger-448 following his family to Wisconsin in the 1850ties and increase Geisingers in WikiTree, heading towards 1000 profiles.
#geisinger #onenamestudy #anniversary #wikitree
Late (17/52/2023):
Too many ongoing stuff made my weekend post late: my mothers birthday party plus baking and cooking in parallel #WikiTree #April2023ConnectAThon managed to add 270 #Geisinger to my running #OneNameStudy under the over 600 profiles created. Yes, all the invitees enjoyed the cake and dinner and were amused by that WikiTree nerd with iPad on the coffee table. #Germany Genies Team made it to No1 in the normalized and No3 in absolute score #Celebrate
#wikitree #april2023connectathon #geisinger #onenamestudy #germany #celebrate
Death Cause: Jealousy (10/52/2023)
Search for #Geisinger for my #OneNameStudy unveils a story on Rudolf in November 1929 in several newspapers at #zeit.punktNRW : He intended to visit a love affair and wrote a letter to her. Her jealous husband gathered support and manslaughtered Rudolf. Today Rudolf got a #WikiTree profile https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Geißinger-348 and may be one day the story will be proven true or not.
#geisinger #onenamestudy #zeit #wikitree
@GenChatDE @genchatde@a.gup.pe A6: wo ist denn F5 ? .... ich würde gerne meine #Geisinger in Weinheim abschließen... aber da ist noch ein Batzen zu tun.
@wikitree follow up the work of my #Geisinger #OneNameStudy .. get some ancestor and their pictures on the wall board I just installed
@Flominator @afstunde hat dieser US Auswanderer zufällig schon ein WikiTree Profil ? #Geisinger
@dieweltenverbinden @sidaba @afstunde Und da die Gruppe damit explizit angesprochen wird, ist es auch egal, auf welcher Instanz sich dein Konto befindet und ob die anderen dir folgen (was sie natürlich trotzdem machen sollten, weil #Geisinger toll sind ... und du natürlich auch!) #AFStunde
@sidaba @afstunde Von den #Geisinger aus Löffingen habe ich neulich beiläufig einen USA-Auswanderer gesehen und ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Freiburger nicht auch irgendwie mit denen zusammenhängen.
Wanted to work on my private email backlog, but ended up creating a profile for a priest, who buried a person @sidaba created as part of the #Geisinger one name study:
#introduction @Flominator and @thedanielsgenealogy got me moving here... doing genealogy research on my family since about 20 years and started a #WikiTree #OneNameStudy on #Geisinger Family Name last year ... so if you ever run into an "Geisinger" not already in WikiTree let me know... Looking forward to good discussions ... by the way German: #neuhier
#introduction #wikitree #onenamestudy #geisinger #neuhier
#healthcare is changing. Telemedicine is booming, but not everyone can set up a home computer system to take advantage of this clinical service. #Geisinger is partnering with Best Buy and Geek Squad to launch a pilot service where they’ll help set up equipment and educate consumers on it.
#collaboration #innovation #BestBuyHealth
#bestbuyhealth #innovation #collaboration #geisinger #Healthcare