IJsje eten bij Tofani.
Omdat het steeds te druk is bij ijssalon Monte Pelmo bij mij om de hoek.
#TypischAmsterdam Kloveniersburgwal/Nieuwmarkt - Amsterdam.
#dekloof #tofani #gelato #ijs #TypischAmsterdam
Oggi ho assaggiato questo (e anche il cornetto #KinderBueno…troppo bueno!!! 🤤)…una specie di #MagnumMichelangelo, ma molto più piccolo… 😬
#kinderbueno #magnummichelangelo #raffaello #raffaellotripleexperienceraspberry #gelato #ferrero
"A kiwi ice cream company is using reject gold kumara that would otherwise be destined for landfill to make gelato. Island Gelato Co. says recent flooding has seen the price of kumara reach record highs... but at the same time mishapen, outsized and over ripe Kumara are being dumped. So it started working with food producers to rescue the root vege and turned it into ice cold gold."
#podcasts #RNZ #Checkpoint #FoodWaste #kumara #gelato #IslandGelato
#podcasts #rnz #checkpoint #foodwaste #kumara #gelato #islandgelato
“Unagi Pie Factory” Hamamatsu/Shizuoka/Japan Trip-Log https://www.alojapan.com/912606/unagi-pie-factory-hamamatsu-shizuoka-japan-trip-log/
#eelpie #gelato #goodsouvenir #Hamamatsu #icecream #Japan #japantrip #Lake-Hamana #Shizuoka #Shizuokadestinations #Shizuokatour #Shizuokatravel #Shizuokatrip #Shizuokavacation #UnagiPieFactory #うなぎパイジェラート #うなぎパイファクトリー #工場見学 #浜松 #静岡
#eelpie #gelato #goodsouvenir #hamamatsu #icecream #japan #japantrip #lake #shizuoka #shizuokadestinations #shizuokatour #shizuokatravel #shizuokatrip #shizuokavacation #unagipiefactory #うなぎパイジェラート #うなぎパイファクトリー #工場見学 #浜松 #静岡
ieri ho fatto questo #gelato #vegano al #cioccolato senza gelatiera, è a di poco delizioso. Bonus: il cuoco è super simpatico.
#gelato #vegano #cioccolato #RicetteSegrete
Ed ecco uno dei wallpaper creati a tema gelato. Bello fresco e pronto da mangiare. Ops, qualcuno ha già dato un morso!
#pixel #pixelart #pixelartist #gelato #wallpaper
A parte tutto, ma a voi piace l'accoppiamento limone e liquirizia?
#adoroilgenio #17agosto #gelato #ghiacciolo #sorbetto #granita #Liuk #gelati #gelaticonfezionati #starwars #guerrestellari #darthvader #paternità #iosonotuopadre #limone #limonidisicilia
#adoroilgenio #17agosto #gelato #ghiacciolo #sorbetto #granita #liuk #gelati #gelaticonfezionati #starwars #guerrestellari #darthvader #paternita #iosonotuopadre #limone #limonidisicilia
I'll have more coherent thoughts on #ChristianPetzold's #film #AFIRE later, but in the meantime, it's really just made me want a #stracciatella #gelato.
#gelato #stracciatella #afire #film #christianpetzold
@LionsPhil @nicuveo
Re #hashtags. We have a pinned toot about it, it's that important.
On fedi, use #milkshakeDuck, not simply 'milkshake duck'.
In addition to being able to import toots, there *does* need to be a way to do #booleanSearch for #hashtags.
eg. Either/or: #icecream #icecreme #gelato #gelati
Addition: #icecream #icecreme +#fediArt
Subtraction: #btc -#nft
It seems #MastodonDevs are more interested in shadowban functions and #antiFeatures like the #botFarmTimeline, tho.
#hashtags #MilkshakeDuck #booleansearch #icecream #icecreme #gelato #gelati #fediart #btc #nft #MastodonDevs #antifeatures #botfarmtimeline
Pausa leggerezza : oggi sul quotidiano Alto Adige racconto del gelataio italiano in #Germania che ha creato il #gelato per gli indecisi, quelli che al loro turno davanti al banco si perdono in mille „ehm ehm“. Se siete in Alto Adige, magari in vacanza, andate in edicola, la storia che coniuga gusto e psicologia è molto divertente.
Samantha shells fitness goals as she drops cute workout video with her cat 'Gelato' #Samantha #Gelato #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #gelato #Samantha
12 weeks today and I am having gelato in my mother's honour.
What will you eat that's special this weekend?
#grief #sorrow #MyMotherDied #MyMumDied #gelato #icecream #love
#grief #sorrow #mymotherdied #mymumdied #gelato #icecream #love
Gibt es hier jemanden, der Erfahrung mit Print-on-Demand Partner #Gelato hat und mir ein paar Fragen beantworten könnte?
Con questo caldo, ho provato questo buon gelato, che non avevo mai mangiato (magnum Michelangelo)
Cocco, cioccolato bianco, lamponi e cacao all'interno.
Non male, meglio dello starchaser secondo me 🍦🤟 #gelato #magnum #dolci #gelatoconfezionato
#gelato #magnum #dolci #gelatoconfezionato