Los cuadernos de Vieco
Antología de pequeños tesoros literarios. Juan Gelman
La esperanza fracasa muchas veces,
el dolor jamás.
Por eso algunos creen...
Los cuadernos de Vieco
Antología de pequeños tesoros literarios. Juan Gelman
New study highlights exposure risks in #ScioTownship & #AnnArbor basements from the #GelmanSciences 1,4 #dioxaneplume. Thousands of lbs of #dioxane were discharged by #Gelman to soil, surface water, & groundwater at the site. According to the #EPA, #14dioxane is hazardous to human health & repeated exposures increase the risks of kidney & liver damage, miscarriage or fetal death, & possibly cancer.
#environment #news #14dioxane #epa #gelman #dioxane #dioxaneplume #gelmansciences #annarbor #sciotownship
#AnnArbor, MI - New testing at a home north of Skyline High School revealed #dioxane, a likely carcinogen, above the state #drinkingwater standard in a res drinking water well >1mile north of the est boundary of the #Gelman plume. The #pollution has spread in local #groundwater for decades. The well is located <½mile from the #HuronRiver & test results show the plume appears to be moving toward Barton Pond, a major source of A2-area drinking water.
#news #environment
#environment #news #huronriver #groundwater #pollution #gelman #drinkingwater #dioxane #annarbor