Reminder that ALL celebrities are puppets of the Jesuit Order. They even die by the #Gematria code.
I got some Gematria related to the recent mass shootings in Serbia.
The shootings occurred on May 4th, which can be written as 5/4 or 4/5. One shooting was located in Belgrade the other was located in Mladenovac
* Serbia = 54 (Ordinal) / 45 (Reverse Reduction)
* Belgrade 54 (Ordinal) / 45 (Reverse Reduction)
* Aleksander Vucic (current president or Serbia = 144 (Ordinal) / 54 (Reduction)
* Jesuit Order = 144 (Ordinal) / 54 (Reduction)
* Mladenovac = 54 (Reverse Reduction)
This occurred three days after another mass shooting in Serbia which occurred in Dubona which is 42 km south of Belgrade.
Jesuit = 42 (Reverse Reduction)
Dubona = 33 (Reverse Reduction)
Masonry = 33 (Reduction)
#LearnGematria #Gematria #Serbia #MassShooting #Belgrade #BelgradeShooting #WorldEvents #Conspiracy #News #目を瞑って自分の名前打てるかチャレンジ #vivavivavivaldi01 #yaoi #feral #like #rt #cartoonporn #opendata #fav #boostme #adultcartoon #videogame #starmer #福岡ソフトバンクホークス #cricket #unemployment #recycling #fediradio #EPlenary #575prompt #Fensterfreitag #JukeboxFridayNight #friday #vendredilecture #proudboys #wordle685 #RevengeOfTheFifth #applearcade #fursuitfriday #5Maggio #starwarsaclassicmovie #protonmail #lyricalmasterpieces #こどもの日 #幽霊 #PixelFold #ハルカ #wisskon23 #WindowFriday #地震
#LearnGematria #gematria #serbia #massshooting #belgrade #BelgradeShooting #worldevents #conspiracy #news #目を瞑って自分の名前打てるかチャレンジ #vivavivavivaldi01 #yaoi #feral #like #rt #cartoonporn #opendata #fav #boostme #adultcartoon #videogame #starmer #福岡ソフトバンクホークス #cricket #unemployment #recycling #fediradio #eplenary #575prompt #Fensterfreitag #JukeboxFridayNight #friday #vendredilecture #proudboys #wordle685 #RevengeOfTheFifth #applearcade #fursuitfriday #5maggio #starwarsaclassicmovie #protonmail #lyricalmasterpieces #こどもの日 #幽霊 #PixelFold #ハルカ #wisskon23 #WindowFriday #地震
#LearnGematria #FuckTheUN #NWO #Gematria #JesuitOrder #FreeMasonry #gochisou_photo #埼玉のどっかに飛ばされるボタン #dopfner #読書 #vss365 #singapore #chess #nepoding #madewithunity #Die #conservation #bs2023 #neuhier #bookcover #みんなのボタンメーカー #medieval #MardiPatisserie #tuesday #村上さん揃うかな #topg88 #JustStopOil #justiceforralphyarl #GoWin #18Aprile #TexasHockey #wgastrong #transsexual #GoKingsGo #Bittrex #rouen #DebtCeiling #DallasStars #macron20h #songsormoviesaboutsluggishmonday #oops #MardiPatisserie #casseroles
#LearnGematria #fucktheun #nwo #gematria #jesuitorder #freemasonry #gochisou_photo #埼玉のどっかに飛ばされるボタン #dopfner #読書 #vss365 #singapore #chess #nepoding #madewithunity #die #conservation #bs2023 #neuhier #bookcover #みんなのボタンメーカー #medieval #MardiPatisserie #tuesday #村上さん揃うかな #topg88 #JustStopOil #justiceforralphyarl #GoWin #18aprile #texashockey #wgastrong #transsexual #gokingsgo #bittrex #rouen #debtceiling #DallasStars #macron20h #songsormoviesaboutsluggishmonday #oops #casseroles
Why there were 66 seals broken to release Lucifer in "Supernatural" #truth #gematria #numerology
The #Turkey #Earthquake and #GrammyAwards Connection.
How are these two events related except by the Letters and Numbers of #Gematria?
#gematria #grammyawards #earthquake #turkey
Decoding the #ChineseSpyBalloon #Gematria #Ritual
Now that the Chinese Surveillance Drone Balloon has been shot down we can do the #Decode.
#Decode #ritual #gematria #ChineseSpyBalloon
#Biden Announces #WW3 without even realizing it.. Make NO Mistake. Tanks and Planes to Ukraine IS WW3 precisely timed to match #Fukushima of 3/11/11 meaning it was a #322 #SkullandBones Occult #Gematria Ritual
#gematria #skullandbones #fukushima #WW3 #Biden
#vaccines #nanoparticles #nano #horrors #gematria
implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccination delivery system
#vaccines #nanoparticles #nano #horrors #gematria
#vaccines #nanoparticles #nano #horrors #gematria
implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccination delivery system
#vaccines #nanoparticles #nano #horrors #gematria
#ZionistIsrael will provoke #Russia into #WW3
Another confirmation of the Dreams and Visions of the the #endtimes Final War.
#Gematria #Occult #Ritual in full view synced to the Letters, Numbers and Dates; 110, 201, and 77.
#ritual #occult #gematria #endtimes #WW3 #russia #ZionistIsrael
per cui uno statista o un attivista può essere, forse non proprio bruciato sul rogo, ma sicuramente ostracizzato e discreditato".
Parole di #ArnoldToynbee nel lontano 1931 alla IV conferenza annuale dell'Istitute for the Scientific Study of International Realations.
Guarda caso 1931 - 1971, 40 anni... la Cabala e la #gematria! Da qui si capisce sia il discorso al WEF, che la canzone dei Lennon... tutto calcolato!
Trumper fans of gematria*, check these out!
Donald John Trump = 185
= Homosexual devil
= Putin's GOP Fool
= Paedophile baby f*cker
Donald Trump = 138
= A Putin Lackey
= Tool of Satan
= Chief Satanic Liar
Donald J Trump = 148
= Downfall of U.S.
= Idiot Paedophile
Trump = 88
= Gay Satan
D. J. Trump = 102
= CPAC Baby Eater
DJT = 34
Forty Five = 126
= Satanic Slave
Fourty Five =
= Putin's Fool
Lies = 45
La lega del truce, lo "sciacallo zero", come noto è passata dal verde al blu. Ora, in ebraico una tonalità del blu si chiama techelet, parola che compare nelle Sacre Scritture ben 49 volte. E la lunghezza d'onda più alta del blu è di 49 · 10 nm. Il 49 è dunque un numero che tende a comparire quando si parla di loro. 😛 😂
E, curiosamente, anche la somma di L + N (lega n) in ebraico porta 80! 🤣