SciFi movies released in 2019…pick your favorite.
#adastra #terminatordarkfate #meninblackinternational #geminiman #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Júní er tvíburamánuður. Ef þið þekkið eitthvað til Megaman þá ættu þessir peyjar ekki að koma ykkur á óvart. #Megaman #MegaMonday #Megamanudagur #GeminiMan
#megaman #megamonday #megamanudagur #geminiman
[1976] Gemini Man - A man has a watch that makes him invisible when pressed. However he can only remain invisible for 15 minutes or else he will stay invisible forever. First episode. Starring Ben Murphy and Katherine Crawford.
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #geminiman
@Kev the use of variable frame rate is intriguing. Was this done before? I think I heard on the #filmcast podcast that #GeminiMan may have used some really high version of variable HFR.
Did some cute little chibi doodles of #MegaMan3 Robot Masters with Chaos Emeralds as related to my #MergedAU
Gemini however was changed after this since if the world's are merged... there's probably Mobian-like Robots!
#NeedleMan #geminiman #MagnetMan #rockman #megaman #MergedAU #megaman3
Watching #GeminiMan was a surreal experience. Will Smith as a young dude was creepy
#WillSmith ist in letzter Zeit nur bedingt in Blockbuster-Titeln zur Geltung gekommen. Mit #GeminiMan will er gleich doppelt zeigen, dass er es noch kann. Ob das gelingt, liest du in meiner #Filmkritik.
#willsmith #geminiman #filmkritik