Vad är Gemmologi och vad gör egentligen Gemmologer? Få svar på det här: #ädelsten #gemmologi #gemmology #gemology #gemmolog #ädelstensexpert #ädelstensidentifiering #smycken #juveler #diamant #bling #ädelstenslära
#adelstenslara #bling #diamant #juveler #smycken #adelstensidentifiering #adelstensexpert #gemmolog #gemology #gemmology #gemmologi #adelsten
I’m a #naturalist enthusiast who loves #rockhounding, #photography, and #botany. I’m a #secular #liberal momma in #Idaho and love the #outdoors. Idiopathic #hypersomnia is tough, but I won’t stop me from #crafting and loving my #corgi and family.
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Diamond Quartz crystals
Double terminated
#Natural #Crystals #gemology #Minerals #Gemstones #Cabochons #Specimen #geology #rockhound #fine #hot #design #photography #Pendants #science #gems #latifcreations #meditation #rocks
#natural #crystals #gemology #minerals #gemstones #cabochons #specimen #geology #rockhound #fine #hot #design #photography #pendants #Science #gems #latifcreations #meditation #rocks
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If you love #crystals and #gemstones for their beauty, and love showing them off, reply to this. Looking for accounts of #mineral eye candy. #Geology #Gemology #Mineralogy.
#mineralogy #gemology #geology #mineral #gemstones #crystals
Dyra och tunga, javisst men storleken har betydelse när det gäller böcker om smycken och juveler. Precis som för annan konst eller arkitektur blir upplevelse och förståelse betydligt bättre med bilder av hög kvalitet. Här en bild från ”stora böcker hyllan” i min källare. I mitten några böcker av vanligare format som jämförelse. #trångabokhyllor #jewellry #gemmology #gemology #jewellery #art #design #greatness #diamonds #juveler #boksamlare #böcker #kulturhistoria #culturalhistory
#culturalhistory #Kulturhistoria #Bocker #boksamlare #juveler #diamonds #greatness #design #art #jewellery #gemology #gemmology #jewellry #trangabokhyllor
#Rutiles #Quartz Polished tumbles
DM for details
#Natural #Crystals #Minerals #Gemstones #Jewelry #geology #earth #stone #rockhound #design #photography #Pendants #Music #science #gems #fashion #beauty #latifcreations #trend #aesthetic #fossil #meditation #rocks
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Here’s a fine specimen of green agate I made into a necklace recently. Agate is a type of chalcedony and a mass of small quartz crystals. The chalcedony mineral that turns green after heat treatment becomes green agate. Many green agate stones have stripes as well, like this one. #gemology #jewelry #fashion
#Amphibole inclusions in Quartz
Crystal available
#Quartz #Crystals #natural #latifcreations
#Photography #geology #Gemology
#Etsy #Ebay
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#Amphibole inclusions in Quartz
DM for details
#Natural #Crystals #Photos #Geology
#Geologist #Minerals #Gemology
#Quartz #Collection #Earth
#amphibole #natural #crystals #photos #geology #geologist #minerals #gemology #quartz #collection #earth #latifcreations
Doublets can be very convincing and deciving, especially when set in bezel or other kinds of closed settings. In the picture a clear quartz crown over a synthetic emerald pavilion. #gemstoneidentification #gemmology #gems #emerald #doublet #ädelsten #gemmologi #gemology #gemstone
#gemstone #gemology #gemmologi #adelsten #doublet #emerald #gems #gemmology #gemstoneidentification
When synthetic diamonds became available in larger quantities it revolutionised the lapidary industry. Anyone could afford high quality abrasives for #gemcutting and knowledge of #lapidary arts spread & developed quickly from the early 1960s onward. There would be no fancy cuts or hobbyist lapidaries without synthetic diamonds. Picture by me of synthetic diamonds produced by #ASEA in the 1960-s at the #MuseumOfTechnology archive, #Stockholm. #gemmology #gemstonecutting #diamonds #gems #gemology
#gemology #gems #diamonds #gemstonecutting #gemmology #stockholm #museumoftechnology #asea #lapidary #gemcutting
Kvartskristaller ritade av Boetius de Boodt 1647. #mineralogy #gemmology #crystallography #gemology #HistoryOfGemstones #bergkristall #ädelsten
#adelsten #bergkristall #historyofgemstones #gemology #crystallography #gemmology #mineralogy
Yellow princesscut HPHT synthetic diamond under a 405nm blue laser. Easy to spot the seedcrystal and the crosslike luminescenspattern and confirm synthetic origin with a tool that costs no more than 15 euro. #gemmology #gemology #diamonds #hpht #makegemologygreatagain #diamonds
#makegemologygreatagain #hpht #diamonds #gemology #gemmology
2 meter böcker om diamanter staplade i samma form som en kimberlitpipa. Slå det om du kan!
#utmaning #diamant
#diamanter #böcker #geologi #gemmologi #gemmology #gemology #ädelsten #bling #smycken #investering #evighet #kimberlit #geology #minerals #diamonds #theeternalgemstone
#theeternalgemstone #diamonds #minerals #geology #kimberlit #evighet #investering #smycken #bling #ädelsten #gemology #gemmology #gemmologi #geologi #böcker #diamanter #diamant #utmaning
2 meter böcker om diamanter staplade i samma form som en kimberlitpipa. Slå det om du kan!
#utmaning #diamant
#diamanter #böcker #geologi #gemmologi #gemmology #gemology #ädelsten #bling #smycken #investering #evighet #kimberlit #geology #minerals #diamonds #theeternalgemstone #denevigaädelstenen
#denevigaädelstenen #theeternalgemstone #diamonds #minerals #geology #kimberlit #evighet #investering #smycken #bling #ädelsten #gemology #gemmology #gemmologi #geologi #böcker #diamanter #diamant #utmaning