At EN World, Craig Campbell of NerdBurger Games talks about his upcoming CAPERS Cyberpunk Kickstarter including taking CAPERS from Prohibition to cyberpunk & what's new in the latest book, as well as NerdBurger at #GENCON2023.
#ttrpg #crowdfunding #rpg #cyberpunk
#gencon2023 #ttrpg #crowdfunding #rpg #cyberpunk
John Robert McGuire shares the second part of our #GenCon2023 adventures. He has reviews of playing Magpie Games' Zombie World, Free League Publishing' Things from the Flood, and Pirate Borg at the con. It was a great time! #TTRPG
New at Lair of Secrets: #GENCON2023 wrap-up!
We talk #MarvelMultiverse, #TrailOfCthulhu, #DnD (of course) #Pathfinder, #MutantCrawlClassics, and #SpaceHulk. Space Hulk? Yep, Space Hulk (thanks @vandermore!)
#gencon2023 #marvelmultiverse #trailofcthulhu #DnD #pathfinder #MutantCrawlClassics #spacehulk
Bought a little blacklight flashlight just so I can see the glowey green stripe in the dice I bought at #GenCon2023 is giving me way more joy than a woman my age should experience.😅
John McGuire shares part one of our #GenCon2023 trip. World of Game Design ran Mothership Sci-fi Horror RPG for us, Monte Cook Games ran Stealing Stories for the Devil, and got into a random game of Deadlands: Weird West (Classic Edition). #TTRPG #GenCon
Our backlog of PDF requests from #Booth446 #GenCon2023 purchases has been cleared, so if you haven't already, please forward your Square receipt to and we'll send you download links for games that come with them.
This drive includes and supports many, many things I care deeply about. Appreciate all orders and shares. #GenCon #GenCon2023 #GCWS #GCWS2023 #bookstodon
#gencon #gencon2023 #gcws #gcws2023 #bookstodon
Fianlly had a chance to sort through what I brought back from #GenCon, so here is my #GenCon2023 haul.
I'm gonna start cleaning up and properly organizing my shelves over the next weeks (months?) so I'll go into more detail on the collection in general, but there were a few stand-out gems from this year.
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- Legend of the 5 Rings artbook (got real lucky finding the last one)
- D&D movie popcorn bucket
- Into the Cess and Citadel
- 1000 Arrows cloth map/scroll
Ryan looks at Essence20's presence at #gencon2023, including the first Worlds Collide multi-table mega event.
The latest Upshift is available now on the #knowdirectionnetwork.
#gencon2023 #knowdirectionnetwork
Rob Pontious looks back on #gencon2023 in the latest Investing In on the #KnowDirectionNetwork.
#gencon2023 #knowdirectionnetwork
🔴 Vol à la #GenCon2023 : la piste mène à 2 auteurs de jeux ! Le récit de ce cambriolage rocambolesque. 🕵️♂️
We're back from #GenCon2023, a day later than expected, and order dispatch is up to date.
As well as being re-energised by all the positive energy at #GenCon, we had some exciting conversations with some of our favourite suppliers which will hopefully kick our supply lines up a gear soon.
Here's a few pictures of #MonsterFightClub's own displays and their trees 'in the wild'.
#gencon2023 #GenCon #monsterfightclub
New at IPR!
Lots of great games came in while we were at #GenCon2023!
Curios: Albrect Manor
Feathered Adventures
The Ground Itself
Lead And Gold
Project ECCO
Project ECCO with Planner
Splat 4: Frights
We’ve tested negative for COVID after #GenCon #GenCon2023 and don’t have any symptoms. Just wanted to make sure.
Whenever y’all travel, remember to mask up and test/isolate if you can for a bit when you return, especially from big gatherings.
If you picked up one of my stories at Gen Con Writers Symposium - a print book, or Lord's Dome, the stories/poem, or my audio sample on the USB drive, I'd love to hear what you think of it! 🥰 #bookstodon (Just hearing of me? Check out!) #GenCon #GenCon2023
#bookstodon #gencon #gencon2023
One last anecdote about my first #GenCon2023 trip. Apart from all of the truly wonderful #TTRPGs I got to play, trying my hand at escape rooms, True Dungeon, and even a nerd-flavored Putt-Putt course... 1/x
hey all; Ted from @NerdImmersion posted a #GenCon2023 review:
#ttrpg #con
And we finally have the Day 5 video of #GenCon.
We’re still in Indy and traveling home today, but Nelly isn’t planning on making another video covering that because she doesn’t think enough happens. I think people like the full cycle - y’all should tell her in the comments.
Also, you should comment on her videos with what other videos she should make, whether you want more Gen Con tips or dog videos. Or both.
It was a great day of hanging out with friends and winding down after #GenCon, despite so many flight getting delayed or canceled.
We tried out a new place (Walk Ons) and some of their food was quite good (really liked the gumbo), then we went to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and that was an absolute blast.
Tomorrow we’re gonna see Barbie, have a quick meeting about #GenCon2024 and the finally head home.
#GenCon #gencon2024 #gencon2023
Oh, #GenCon. My favorite convention. (Sorry, Oshkosh. I love you, too, but y’know…air conditioning.)
This year was so damned fun and so. damned. busy. I’ve never seen the vendor hall so crammed with humanity. I didn’t get to play everything I hoped to try, but I did play a lot of others I didn’t even consider.
Here’s my GenCon Haul for 2023. Already looking forward to next year. #GenCon2023 #GenConHaul
#gencon #gencon2023 #genconhaul