#AntiLGBTQ members of #Congress are trying to use the #FederalBudget to deny #HealthCare to #trans people. Tell your Members of Congress to protect trans people from #discrimination.
#news #politics #petition #AntiLGBT #transgender #GenderAffirmingCare #LGBT #LGBTQ #genderaffirmingcaresaveslives #transrightsarehumanrights #transrights #TransLivesMatter
#translivesmatter #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #genderaffirmingcaresaveslives #lgbtq #lgbt #genderaffirmingcare #transgender #antilgbt #petition #politics #news #discrimination #trans #healthcare #federalbudget #congress #antilgbtq
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#FactCheck: #GenderAffirmingCare is supported by American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Endocrine Society, American Psychological Association, & others. There is NO EVIDENCE that shows treatment causes any harm. However, data indicates that 82% of #transgender ppl have considered suicide & 40% have attempted suicide. #GenderAffirmingCareSavesLives!
#news #CultureWar #politics #healthcare #transgenderrights #transgenderrightsarehumanrights
#transgenderrightsarehumanrights #transgenderrights #healthcare #politics #culturewar #news #genderaffirmingcaresaveslives #transgender #genderaffirmingcare #factcheck
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#Republicans in several states push for limits on #GenderAffirmingCare for children and adults. A #Florida bill would allow only physicians to provide such care, and it would prohibit public dollars from covering costs. State #HealthInsurance plans and #Medicaid can't provide coverage.
#news #Republican #CultureWar #politics #healthcare #transgenderrights #transgender #transgenderrightsarehumanrights #genderaffirmingcaresaveslives
#genderaffirmingcaresaveslives #transgenderrightsarehumanrights #transgender #transgenderrights #healthcare #politics #culturewar #republican #news #medicaid #healthinsurance #florida #genderaffirmingcare #republicans
Missouri banning gender affirming care for most trans adults, and all Autistic trans adults, has me reaching for this stanza of Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach."
"Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night."
(No, I'm not in #Missouri , but I have friends there. #StopTransGenocide #GenderAffirmingCareSavesLives #TransphobiaKills )
#missouri #StopTransGenocide #genderaffirmingcaresaveslives #transphobiakills