Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
10 followers · 17560 posts · Server
Γσττεd Μσσd · @rottedmood
22 followers · 371 posts · Server

Can you help? Even just a dollar? Anything you can do to help goes a long way.

#transcrowdfund #genderaffirmingsurgery

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
235 followers · 9942 posts · Server

Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Yellowjackets Star Liv Hewson Calls Out 'Disgust Reactions' People Have to Their Top Surgery

#jezebel #genderaffirmingsurgery #squeamishness #livhewson #disgust #hewson

Last updated 1 year ago

Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2065 followers · 5886 posts · Server

@kelidanovus What's more suprising to me is how many other trans folks don't really know much about what's available or possible either.

Or where to look for reviews on their surgeons, so they know whom to go with & whom to avoid at all costs.

#genderaffirmingcare #genderaffirmingsurgery #trans #transgender #transition

Last updated 1 year ago

Holy moly. I'm super excited to heading off to Guadalajara Mexico in March for facial feminization surgery with Dr. Jesus Baez-Marquez and Joel Silva.

Some colleagues of mine were kind enough to start a GoFundMe to help me cover expenses. Unfortunately there's no Avenue for coverage for these surgeries in Canada so I'm paying out of pocket. I'm incredibly grateful for the people who have helped me out and raised over $5000 in a matter of days and appreciate any support, even just a share. Thank you so much. 💖

#transgender #transcrowdfunding #genderaffirmingsurgery

Last updated 2 years ago

Angry sweet antiracist enby · @vreer
409 followers · 3438 posts · Server

Help a suister in need

I'm sash, and I'm hoping to start my gender affirmation surgery by the end of the month. I've been saving up for the surgery since last year, Unfortunately, I'm still $500 short, with a little time left to the surgery, kindly support my transition with whatever token you have to spare. Please read more and donate using this link. Thank you.

#genderaffirmingsurgery #grs #money

Last updated 2 years ago

Back in 2019 I got my letters and documentation together to get bottom surgery done at GRS Montreal. I then ended up dropping everything to look after my terminally ill mother who passed away in 2020. I was certain that bottom surgery was the right path, but having gone through complex trauma over the loss of mother and effectively shutting down for a few months before dealing with her estate I neglected to follow with grs Montreal.

Currently I have heard the stories of multiple friends who have had their bottom surgery botched or have run into serious complications from their experience with grs Montreal. I am more tempted than ever to forego getting grs done in Montreal knowing their experiences there.

In all seriousness what causes me 90% of my dysphoria is my facial features and my face is what most people see not my genitallia. Sadly there are few avenues for coverage for FFS and hair removal in Canada which is a big time injustice for trans feminine people in Canada. Given the lack of affordable options here for facial feminization I'm about to put everything I got into getting it done privately in Mexico. Hopefully all goes well. I have friends there who are helping me navigate how to get this done.

A few friends have suggested that I try and crowdfund my surgery. I'm embarrassed by this idea and to be frank think it's absolute horseshit that we're expected to crowd fund for lifesaving healthcare. I just wish this country could do better for transgender folks. Until this happens I just might try to crowdfund or get a friend to on my behalf. Either way I'm getting this done.

#transgender #genderaffirmingsurgery #facialfeminization #girlslikeus

Last updated 2 years ago

Jer Adrianne Lelliott · @JerAdrianne
19 followers · 25 posts · Server

If you are preparing for vaginoplasty, the Frida Mom postpartum products are such a difference maker during recovery. Big grateful hugs to whoever designed their ice pack pads.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jer Adrianne Lelliott · @JerAdrianne
76 followers · 145 posts · Server

If you are preparing for vaginoplasty, the Frida Mom postpartum products are such a difference maker during recovery. Big grateful hugs to whoever designed their ice pack pads.


Last updated 2 years ago

Thorn :heart_nb: :antifa: · @Thorn_Mercury
124 followers · 298 posts · Server

Ahh I'm just so happy to have these two huge parts of my transition done, and to reflect on top surgery (the hysto has definitely been easier) It's so wild to me that the medical part of my transition is over and all I want left is to change my legal name and gender marker! 🎉 :heart_nb:

#trans #nonbinary #hysto #hysterectomy #genderqueer #enby #topsurgery #genderaffirmingsurgery #transition #transitiontimeline #gendereuphoria

Last updated 2 years ago

Thorn :heart_nb: :antifa: · @Thorn_Mercury
124 followers · 298 posts · Server

I had my hysto yesterday! (7/25/22) aaaa I'm so happy! And it's really close to my 3 year top surgery date (7/30/19)
I went home same day, so I'm really happy to be in my own bed 😊 so excited to have this done and have these sources of dysphoria gone, and my safety increased

#hysto #hysterectomy #trans #nonbinary #transition #surgery #genderaffirmingsurgery #genderqueer #transmasc

Last updated 2 years ago