Pink News: Anti-trans activists rage at Pride flag boot sticker, only to discover it came from ‘gender critical’ store #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #gendercritical #PosieParker #sticker #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #gendercritical #posieparker #sticker #news #uk
Pink News: Growing number of Brits view trans people negatively, YouGov study finds #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #gendercritical #RishiSunak #YouGov #Trans #News #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #gendercritical #rishisunak #yougov #news #uk
It's unsettling to see the warnings of trans folks becoming reality:
#AntiGender #lgb #fascism #conservatism #reactionary #ChristianRight #GenderCritical #solidarity
#antigender #lgb #fascism #conservatism #reactionary #ChristianRight #gendercritical #solidarity
Grace Lavery with a demolition of "gender critical" philosophy #GenderCritical #Transgender #Philosophy
#philosophy #transgender #gendercritical
Gender Criticism Versus Gender Abolition: On Three Recent Books About Gender
#transgender #gender #gc #terf #gendercritical
Gender Critical is just another word for pseudoscience in the pay of fascism
#TERF #lgbtq #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#transphobia #GenderCritical
#terf #lgbtq #transrightsarehumanrights #transphobia #gendercritical
Equality Act debate exposes central tension of UK politics
#equalityact #ukpol #ukpolitics #inequality #sex #gender #biologicalsex #sexassignedatbirth #trans #un #transmenaremen #transwomenarewomen #genderdysphoria #transphobia #gendercritical #QueerRefugees #GovSanctionedAbuse #Cates
I was shocked to read earlier on Discord that Australian neurodiversity proponent (and indeed coiner of the term ‘neurodiversity’) Judy Singer has recently come out with a series of transphobic tweets, uncritically parroting GC/TERF language
She has since rowed back, deleting several of her tweets (but not the one supporting JK Rowling) and saying she’s going to take a leave of absence from Twitter to talk to her ‘friends in the trans community’
I really hope her outpouring of hatred for a marginalised community was an aberration, a blip (albeit a harmful one)
#neurodiversity #JudySinger #transphobia #GenderCritical #TERF
#neurodiversity #judysinger #transphobia #gendercritical #terf
"Grace Lavery - The Gender Critical Movement Is Undermining Academic Freedom"
An essay pulled from publication by UCL lawyers.
#gendercritical #transgender #gracelavery
It's odd how #conservatives, the #gendercritical, and #evangelical #Christians are concerned about the “transgender contagion” but voice no concern about the much more prevalent “cisgender woman teacher predator contagion.” Why won't you think of the children!
#conservatives #gendercritical #evangelical #christians
Pink News: Grassroots trans group uncovering EHRC ‘attacks’ and the UK’s well-connected anti-trans movement #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #gendercritical #mayaforstater #Community #Activism #Features #Trans #EHRC #UK
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #gendercritical #mayaforstater #community #activism #features #ehrc #uk
A point that we hear from time to time from the transphobic right, or more specifically the gender-critical crowd, is this idea that trans acceptance is somehow damaging to gay people.
#LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Transgender #GenderCritical #JKRowling
#lgbtq #lgbtqia #transgender #gendercritical #jkrowling
Die nächste #GenderCritical / #Radfem die Argumente hasst und lieber blockt.
Diesmal sogar eine angeblich "Linke".
New DoE guidance for schools will go beyond targeting trans kids
#doe #trans #starmer #Sunak #ForcedOuting #gender #gendercritical #transphobia #transkids
Alle: "Hast Du Argumente?"
"Natürlich hasse ich Argumente"
RT @Biefell
@axellpunkt @eulemagazin Deine TL muss ich garnicht erst lesen, "Berlin" in der Bio reicht schon. 🤷
Es gibt die inhaltliche Position "gendercritical".
Dann gibt es noch die #GenderCritical-Bubble.
Das Eine ist voll vernünftig.
Das Andere voll Arschgeigen.
RT @LaurenWitzkeDE
We all know why they're targeting little boys.
A new U.S. government report confirms that forced #detransition and #gendercritical denial of health care and freedom do serious medical and psychological harm to #transgender people.
#detransition #gendercritical #transgender #conversiontherapy #samhsa
There are few cases that can be more important than that of @JoPhoenix1 - if any of us can help at all, it really matters to the cause of #FreeSpeech, of not being punished by employers for stating #gendercritical views. University managers need a lesson - #academicfreedom is key
RT @JoPhoenix1: I'm in the final run-up to my Employment Tribunal with The Open University which is in 6 months.
I'm relaunching the CrowdJustice fund appeal as I need your help again. …
#FreeSpeech #gendercritical #academicfreedom
Wenn #GenderCritical plötzlich klingt wie #AfD-Parteitag.
Oder war es die TRA-Tagung?
RT @KausD_1
@axellpunkt @FreiImWind @Frollein_VogelV Sag mal, hast du Lack gesoffen? Oder ist das eine pathologische Sache, die du da hast?
Und schon wieder ein Beleg für meine Theorie, das die #GenderCritical Bubble voller rechter Knallchargen ist.
Karma-Aluhut, Klimawandelleugnerin, Gruenen-Haterin und diverse andere Topics vom rechten Rand der flachen Erde.
RT @TinkerNelli
@axellpunkt @KausD_1 @Frollein_VogelV Vielleicht liest Du Dich nochmal zu dem Unterschied zwischen "Karma" und "Schicksal"/"Pech" ein.
Ob man es nun esoterisch sieht oder psychologisch: Karma f…