IT News · @itnewsbot
3603 followers · 269979 posts · Server
Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
928 followers · 24939 posts · Server
Sophie · @Sophie
1190 followers · 2922 posts · Server

Hi friends!

Is it okay if I interrupt to remind you about Mapping Trans Joy? We’re reimagining our geographies through a lens of trans joy 💜💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

If you’re / / / and/or otherwise cisn’t, we’d love to hear from you!

It’s quick and easy and sometimes means the world to the right person at the right time

Enjoy some joy; share some joy

#trans #nonbinary #twospirit #genderdiverse

Last updated 1 year ago

Sophie · @Sophie
1141 followers · 2713 posts · Server

Hello lovely / / / / friends!

Please consider adding a quick narrative of joy over at

We need all the joy we can get, and sharing joy with each other is fucking powerful


@mappingtransjoy @transjoy

#trans #nonbinary #genderqueer #genderexpansive #genderdiverse #transJoy

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
243 followers · 4783 posts · Server
Kabbaway · @Kabbaway
55 followers · 142 posts · Server

Happy Pride Month! In this episode of , I finally attend the and have a lecture with the lovely ... where queer shenanigans ensue! 🏳️‍⚧️🥚🏳️‍🌈



#elden_ring #academy_of_raya_lucaria #rennala #eldenring #eldenringgameplay #elden_ring_gameplay #soulsborne #soulsbornecommunity #eldenringcommunity #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtq #transgender #genderdiverse #gender_diverse #charagender #nonbinary #trans #enby #egg #pridemonth #pridemonth2023 #pride_month #pride_month_2023 #academy #academyofrayalucaria #liurnia #liurniaofthelakes #liurnia_of_the_lakes #glintstone_dragon_smarag #glintstonedragonsmarag #smarag #glintstone #dragon #key #glintstonekey #glintstone_key #redwolfofradagon #red_wolf_of_radagon #redwolf #red_wolf #wolf #rennalaqueenofthefullmoon #rennala_queen_of_the_full_moon #firstplaythrough #first_playthrough #gaming #videogames #commentary #kabba_plays #australian #aussie #neurodivergent #leftist #fantasy #fantasygames #fantasy_games #kabbaway #kabba #kab #kabbidge #kabbidges #a_quirky_australian #gday_websurfers

Last updated 1 year ago

Teague · @tlwvision
270 followers · 807 posts · Server

Gender Euphoria is the best euphoria.

So amazed (and proud) at how far Mama Alto and the cast/crew of this uplifting stage production have come in six years.

If, in years to come, you have an opportunity to see this diverse production do not hesitate to buy tickets.

*eye contact in photos


#gendereuphoria #artscentremelbourne #statetheatre #trans #genderdiverse #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Leesa Corbo · @corblees
18 followers · 3 posts · Server

My research project has been accepted for candidature, and I'm moving into the research phase soon. I've been thinking about my research focus, and I'm looking for help. If you do not identify as gay or lesbian (but still identify as non-heterosexual) and do not identify with the sex and/or gender assigned at birth, how would you describe your sexualites and genders? What term do you use? Do you use queer or non-binary or fluid? Or something else?

#lgbtq #genderdiverse #nonbinary

Last updated 1 year ago

How are and people targeted with violence and how do they build for their community? Join the contributors (including Me!) to the Trans Intersections issue of Peace Review to discuss what trans experiences reveal about these topics next week on April 26th at 12 pm ET / 9 am PT

#transgender #genderdiverse #peace

Last updated 2 years ago

Kabbaway · @Kabbaway
48 followers · 66 posts · Server

The Lemkin institute has issued a red flag alert for America's treatment of people. This has been obvious to + people for years, but it's worth emphasising that others are finally catching on. This has official recognition, and America's conservative media and figures, who are the ACTUAL ones in power (they always have been), are squarely to blame.

Anti-trans rhetorics don't just hurt and people, it affects ANYONE who doesn't rigidly conform to Western/Christian gender roles. They intersect with , and , because bigotry is rarely restricted to one prejudice. For example, if you believe men are meant to be the strong, authoritative providers, disabled and/or neurodivergent men are often othered and emasculated in the process. If you believe women are meant to be soft, delicate and demure, this definition of femininity was made to exclude and dehumanise women of colour (especially Black). And I don't think I need to explain the inherent sexism of trying to reduce people's personalities and identities to their genitals.

It's not enough to just shrug and make exceptions for your loved ones and associates; these beliefs needs to be deconstructed altogether, otherwise it gives the impression that your love/acceptance for them is conditional which can contribute to self-hate and internalised prejudices.

#transgender #lgbtqia #genocide #trans #genderdiverse #racism #ableism #sexism

Last updated 2 years ago

Operation Come Home · @ochottawa
5 followers · 31 posts · Server

At Operation Come Home, we believe wholeheartedly in the idea of ‘"meeting people where they are"’. The idea is that the only way to connect with someone you’re trying to reach is on their level. For us this means talking with someone the first time we meet them. Finding out about them so we can find out what help we might be.

This might mean we don’t push a treatment program on someone who is not ready to quit drugs. It might mean offering mental health assistance to someone who is too afraid to ask for it themselves. Or accepting that some of our students miss two or three days of school in a row without explanation. If we don’t meet our clients where they are, they’ll never let us take them where we hope they can go. It takes many forms, but one thing remains consistent – to meet someone where they are, you must acknowledge WHO they are.

This is especially true for gender-diverse youth, who face challenges unimaginable to most of the rest of us. The best thing you can do as a parent, a teacher, or a mentor of any sort, is to meet them where they are – as a boy, or as a girl, or as something else they’re not sure about but you can figure it out together. The same is true for school. The best thing a school can do is include kids where they are, accepting them for who they are. Nothing else will allow those children to blossom and grow into who they were meant to be.

We know what happens when youth are told they’re not welcome as they are, and not provided with an environment where they can determine, and declare, who they are. Far too often, it falls to us to provide that environment. They’re the ones on whom we don’t push rehab. The ones we talk to one-on-one to offer mental health assistance. The ones who miss school two or three days in a row.

If you know someone - especially a young person - who has a different gender identity, meet them where they are. Let them know they're seen for who they are.

#transdayofvisibility #genderdiverse #youth #tdov2023 #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1324 followers · 12979 posts · Server

Pour les droits des femmes du Québec ( ) is a that has in support of (which prevents civil servants, teachers & others from wearing visible religious symbols) & against such as C16 , which aims to people from .

**For the 2022-2023 - gave PDF Québec $143,000,  **

#pdfquebec #womensgroup #lobbied #bill21 #legislation #bill #protect #genderdiverse #discrimination #fiscalyear #quebecgovernment #cbc #reported #stoptranshate #canada #defundpdfquebec #hategroup #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1307 followers · 12665 posts · Server
PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1304 followers · 12458 posts · Server
Teague · @tlwvision
233 followers · 723 posts · Server

*Uno momento por favor*

Almost time to see some of the best trans & gender diverse performers in Australia at Queers of Joy at the Red Rattler in Marrickville.


#trans #nonbinary #genderdiverse #lgbtqiasb

Last updated 2 years ago

Patsy (she/her) · @patsytheshark
19 followers · 105 posts · Server

Hoping for some help here - I'm looking for a gender neutral alternative to the word "maternal" that specifically implies the birthing parent (so parental is too vague).

Word count is an issue, so I don't want to say "of the birthing parent", cos that adds 3 extra words each time.

#help #ask #genderneutral #genderdiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Lexi (She/Her) · @alexismadd
2 followers · 15 posts · Server

The toilers at Moon Dog World (Preston, Melbourne AU) now has non-binary toilets!

#nonbinary #lgbtqi #equality #genderdiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

and healthcare workers should not have to hide who they are, make themselves more assimilated or palatable in order to succeed in this field. However, in order to allow them to do so, us leaders and senior professionals must pave the way, and make it more accepting, since we are at less risk of losing opportunities than our newer peers.

#trans #genderdiverse #lgbtq #healthcare #TooteRx

Last updated 2 years ago

To my Trans, Queer, Non Binary, Gender Diverse fam:
Every one of you are enough, You are so enough, It is unbelievable just how enough you are. 💜💜💜

#genderdiverse #NonBinary #Transgender #Trans

Last updated 2 years ago