CHRISTOPHER RUFO: The transgender movement has conquered America life.
In a new short film, I explain how the movement gained power and connect the dots between its key intellectuals, billionaire benefactor, and large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto.
This is the transgender empire.
#trans #genderaffirming #genderdysphoria
If a hospital has the words “gender affirming care” with a picture of a 3-year-old, that’s a sign to run the other way as fast as possible.
Why would a doctor need to “affirm” a 3-year-old’s gender?
Boston Children’s Hospital chemically castrates and mutilates children.
#trans #genderaffirming #genderdysphoria
@RadicalAnthro I experienced what I now recognize as #GenderDysphoria back in the 1970s, and suffered in silence. If I had known there was a "third option" (ie., #NonBinary), I would have felt better about myself, knowing that I wasn't alone with having those feelings. #BornThisWay
#genderdysphoria #nonbinary #bornthisway
#Genderdysphoria: Why isn’t Big Government talking about #atrazine?
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 3 People Say They Were Tricked Into Participating in Matt Walsh's Anti-Trans Film 'What Is a Woman' #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #antilgbtsentiment #transgenderyouth #rebeccadobkowitz #genderdysphoria #michelleforcier #transfeminists #bisexualwomen #robbystarbuck #whatisawoman #transphobia #marcibowers #transwoman #mattwalsh #elierlick #naiaokami #bower #naia
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #antilgbtsentiment #transgenderyouth #rebeccadobkowitz #genderdysphoria #michelleforcier #transfeminists #bisexualwomen #robbystarbuck #whatisawoman #transphobia #marcibowers #transwoman #MattWalsh #elierlick #naiaokami #bower #naia
As of ICD-11, which was adopted in 2019 & came into force from 1st January 2022, the pathologised diagnosis for being trans is NOT "gender dysphoria", but rather either of :
1. HA60 - gender incongruence of adolescence or adulthood
2. HA61 - gender incongruence of childhood
#trans #transgender #GenderDysphoria #GenderIncongruence #ICD11 #queer #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+
#trans #transgender #genderdysphoria #genderincongruence #icd11 #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia
For this #TransTuesday, I wanted to share a couple of photos I just took.
Unlike my usual ones, they're not ones that bring me joy, but I want to share them out of solidarity with everyone else who feels #GenderDysphoria over facial hair.
I'm currently growing mine out for #electrolysis this Friday.
FYI, it's just the lighting making me look yellow: I'm not jaundiced 😅
#TransTuesdays #trans #transgender #TransFem #TransWoman #TransSelfie #transition #LGBTQ+ #LGBTQIA+
CW: direct eye contact
#transtuesday #genderdysphoria #electrolysis #transtuesdays #trans #transgender #transfem #transwoman #transselfie #transition #lgbtq #lgbtqia
MATT WALSH: Trans activists now say that we should affirm pregnant trans-identified females with testosterone even if it causes permanent damage to the baby. As I've been arguing for years, trans ideology is narcissism made into a religion. Everything and everyone must be sacrificed on the altar of self affirmation. It is the most evil and destructive ideology in existence today, and there is not a close second.
#trans #GenderAfffirming #genderdysphoria
It's nearly impossible for gender ideology or queer theory to shock me anymore. But the paper this article is referring to revealed a new depth of derangement I hadn't yet fathomed.
"Moral disgust" doesn't even begin to describe how it makes me feel.
#trans #GenderAfffirming #genderdysphoria
Did i just spend the last almost 12 hours crying about gender after watching #Barbie? Maybe
Did I spend 10 of those hours trying to convince myself that any #GenderDysphoria I had was actually ~~fake news~~? Maybe also
#barbiemovie #genderdysphoria #barbie
A fall in the age at which gender dysphoria is diagnosed means that trans people are gradually getting help a little bit younger, and remaining closeted for less time.
#GoodNews #LGBTQ #Trans #Gender #GenderDysphoria #Health #Care #Truth
#goodnews #lgbtq #trans #gender #genderdysphoria #health #care #truth
Oh yeah: one of the side-effects of working WITH the workaholic father from 12yo-26yo (3y part time, 11y full time), is that relaxing, AT ALL, induces a feeling of guilt, because there are THINGS TO BE DONE.
And all of this has a layer of #genderdysphoria that’s been hanging over me for the last couple of days, and feels like it’s ratcheting up.
Pink News: Average age of gender dysphoria diagnosis falls from 31 to 26, study finds #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #genderdysphoria #ScienceandTech #Trans #News
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #genderdysphoria #scienceandtech #news
>There are many, many times I hate being transgender.
👍 💯
It's a curse i'd not wish onto my worst enemy. Non- or Pre-#transitioned #GenderDysphoria itself is ofc horrific. What heaps of post-#transition peeps seem to avoid mentioning, discussing or even acknowledging, is the enduring agony of self-loathing & depression **when/if**, notwithstanding all the time, effort, pain, dislocation, money & family/friends-rejection of legal, social, medical & surgical #transition, one continues to Not #Pass... making the whole journey seriously compromised. 😭
#transitioned #genderdysphoria #transition #pass
I have tried over over the last five years to deny that I am transgender…entirely to myself. Everyone else that I have told seems to accept it faster than me.
I am amazingly stubborn.
#lgbtq #transgender #genderdysphoria #gender #life
Weiden am Geist psychisch gestörter Kinder – Die Herausgeber einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift in devoter Haltung vor LSBTIQusw-Lobby #psychologischeStörung #SexuelleOrientierung #Genderdysphoria #Transsexualität #Kriminalität #RentSeeking #Missbrauch #Ideologie #LSBTIQusw #LSBTIQ #Woke
#woke #lsbtiq #lsbtiqusw #ideologie #missbrauch #rentseeking #kriminalitat #transsexualitat #genderdysphoria #sexuelleorientierung #psychologischestorung
#RonDeSantis’ ban on #Medicaid coverage for #genderdysphoria treatments just got slapped down by a judge: ‘#Genderidentity is real’
#rondesantis #medicaid #genderdysphoria #genderidentity
Equality Act debate exposes central tension of UK politics
#equalityact #ukpol #ukpolitics #inequality #sex #gender #biologicalsex #sexassignedatbirth #trans #un #transmenaremen #transwomenarewomen #genderdysphoria #transphobia #gendercritical #QueerRefugees #GovSanctionedAbuse #Cates
>our commitment to removing the medicalisation of the transition process
I know it's become very popular in the wider #trans community to decry this perceived problem, but just to wave a small flag for a sub-voice that seems barely heard lately... for some #Transwomen & #Transmen, merely having altered paperwork is vastly insufficient. It is a mandatory but of itself insufficient goal, & for those of us in this cohort, nothing short of full #Transition socially, legally, endocrinologically, & surgically will suffice to end the #GenderDysphoria & achieve fulsomeness. Given the availability & cost of this path is horrific & frequently prohibitive, IMO "true" #TransAllyship entails not only supporting the paperwork changes, but all the rest i described. Many don't need it all, but that should not invalidate those who do.
#trans #transwomen #transmen #transition #genderdysphoria #transallyship