Was in #Westminster today. OF COURSE Trumpist bigots protested for attention. Given what's happened re: #roevwade, #affirmativeaction, #civilrights, #VotingRights, #LGBTQIArights, #genderexpression #equality, #womensrights, etc, enjoy #legalization, but stay vigilant. Be aware, get active & support #NORML, and use responsibly. Bad Systems Giveth Then Taketh Away...
#cannabis #maryland #ganja #stoners #marijuana #weed #pot #legalization #activism #md #medicalcannabis #recreationalcannabis
#westminster #roevwade #affirmativeaction #civilrights #votingrights #lgbtqiarights #genderexpression #equality #womensrights #legalization #norml #cannabis #maryland #ganja #stoners #marijuana #weed #pot #activism #md #medicalcannabis #recreationalcannabis
This is the conclusion from an paper I wrote a few years ago (2017) for class. I still stand by these words. The image I used for the essay is this iconic one from Coco Layne titled, "Warpaint."
"How can people resist gender rigidity and stereotyping? By exploring 'the movement between masculinity and femininity, as well as the gray area in between,' (Bridges, 50), which can be done 'regardless of the sex of one’s body' (Bridges, 50). We can be like Coco Layne and challenge
'certain ways of thinking about gender and sexuality' (Bridges, 48). We can encourage our children to 'create their own gendered style' (Ward, 207), 'aim[ing] for androgyny or alternate butch and femme aesthetics on certain days' (Ward, 207). We can also resist cultural stereotypes as to how people -- especially women -- should look. And we can allow everyone self-determination for their appearance, as well as their gender/gender expression."
#Gender #GenderFluidity #NB #GenderExpression
#gender #genderfluidity #nb #genderexpression
Stuck trying to explain common terms to someone?
Feel free to borrow these bad, incredibly-oversimplified definitions of mine 😌
Gender identity: who you are, underneath your skin.
Gender expression: how you adorn your skin.
Sexuality: whom you wanna bang... or not bang.
Romanticity: whom you wanna cuddle up with on the sofa & maybe make it with.
#gender #GenderIdentity #GenderExpression #sexuality #romanticity
#gender #genderidentity #genderexpression #sexuality #romanticity
Global News BC: Anti-LGBTQ2 protests are on the rise in Canada: What’s going on? https://globalnews.ca/news/9542496/anti-lgbtq2-protests-rise-canada-explainer/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TransgenderRights #GenderExpression #Dragperformance #LGBTQ2Rights #HumanRights #HateCrimes #HateSpeech #LGBTQ2Hate #FarRight #Protests #Canada #LGBTQ2
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #transgenderrights #genderexpression #dragperformance #lgbtq2rights #HumanRights #hatecrimes #hatespeech #lgbtq2hate #farright #protests #Canada #lgbtq2
It goes wider than that too.
This group is where we find tolerance and understanding of #Neurodiversity, #GenderExpression, and other differences. It is where I find common ground on politics, environmentalism, anti-consumerism, alternative lifestyles, and a load more.
I don't know if this is just good fortune or if some or all of these things correlate with "likely to consider home-educating", but I am grateful either way.
I hope you all have your tribe, or you find them soon.
#neurodiversity #genderexpression
@PeterRu one thing that’s a struggle is that lawmakers seem not to care that they’re making law to address a non-existent problem in our state. They’ve brought in Chloe Cole to tell them how kids are forced and people regret their #hormoneblockers and surgeries. She posting on the bird site about saving kids in #idaho when no one but sadistic hard right law makers invited her here to criminalize a freedom so fundamental to who people are, freedom of #gender and #GenderExpression the right to live with hope and not be forced into a gender that does not fit us or makes us despair. #lgbtq #genderqueer #trans #transgender #transgenderrights
#hormoneblockers #idaho #gender #genderexpression #lgbtq #genderqueer #trans #transgender #transgenderrights
#Conversiontherapy is the #pseudoscientific practice of attempting to change an individual's #sexualorientation, #genderidentity, or #genderexpression to align with #heterosexual and #cisgender norms.[1]
#conversiontherapy #pseudoscientific #sexualorientation #genderidentity #genderexpression #heterosexual #cisgender
My mom made a set of aprons for my kids, their baby doll, and me. The fact that they have a flounce (the extra fabric near the bottom that makes it a bit ruffley) and that she called it that, when she doesn’t directly approve of my #genderExpression, gave me a bit-o #genderEuphoria.
#genderexpression #gendereuphoria
Sex, Gender, And What The New York Times’ Pamela Paul Gets Wrong About Both
***It’s pretty much everything.***
"The risk isn’t that we will 'lose our advances' because of this fight but that the Pauls of the world, by invoking Science in willful ignorance, will succeed in convincing others that we should." #LGBQT #NewYorkTimes #SexAndGender #Gender #GenderExpression #GenderIdentity #ItsAllRightToCry #FreeToBe #TERFsGonnaTERF
Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/axz2n5b7
#lgbqt #newyorktimes #sexandgender #gender #genderexpression #genderidentity #itsallrighttocry #freetobe #terfsgonnaterf
One of many books being banned in school and public libraries, This Book is Gay is important and can save lives. Read my review @ the Take a Selfish blog!
#ThisBookIsGay #JunoDawson #RequiredReading #BannedBooks #GenderIdentity #GenderExpression #Sexuality #LGBTQ
#thisbookisgay #JunoDawson #requiredreading #bannedbooks #genderidentity #genderexpression #sexuality #lgbtq
I am an old-school #lesbian. But before I understood my sexuality, I felt different. From a young age, it was painfully obvious that I was not comfortable with femininity. Wearing a dress or makeup was torture. People mistook me for a boy. I've been labeled a tomboy, a jock, and a butch. The lingo changed over the decades, but my true self did not. Even when I didn't have the words, I was always #nonbinary inside. Today, we can separate sexuality from #genderexpression. So powerful!
#lesbian #nonbinary #genderexpression
Not sure if I'm genderfluid and experience masculinity, androgyny, and agenderness within that, or if I'm agender and I experience masculinity and androgyny as gender expression.... either way I've got some gender questioning to do.... lately he/him dude, guy, man feel uncomfy...
#trans #transmasc #genderfluid #agender #nonbinary #genderexpression #genderquestioning #pronouns
#trans #transmasc #genderfluid #agender #nonbinary #genderexpression #genderquestioning #pronouns