Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2482 followers · 12651 posts · Server cultofshiv.wtf

Query for anyone under the broad trans umbrella (ella, ella, ay, ay)

Before you hatched / your egg cracked, which video game characters did you get gender envy / jealousy from without realising it at the time?

E.g., I absolutely adored the look & voice of Princess Rhianne Burke (voiced by Kirsten Potter) in Supreme Commander


+ +

#therewerenosigns #egg #trans #transgender #nonbinary #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queer

Last updated 1 year ago

Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2477 followers · 12520 posts · Server cultofshiv.wtf

Oh, you also enjoy(ed) reading webcomics like Misfile where the main protagonist was transformed into a different gender?


When did you realise you were trans too? :TransHeart:

+ +

#therewerenosigns #trans #transgender #transition #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #nonbinary #2spirit #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Sci Fi · @queerscifi
1258 followers · 2326 posts · Server mastodon.otherworldsink.com

Today's queer indie author review! Now. Then. To Come" by Fenn Thornbot:

"An interesting, engaging, and complex work of speculative fiction, with a great depth of meaning and a unique take on the societal impact of gender roles. I highly recommend giving this well-written story a try."


@LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon

#books #book #bookstodon #lgbtqbookstodon #lgbtq #lgbt #queer #nonbinary #genderfluid #lesbian #gay #review #bookreview #sciencefiction #scifi

Last updated 1 year ago

Mary · @mary101xy
0 followers · 21 posts · Server waskuisland.com

I really like this gender fluid stuff. I just learned this recently.
It's like giving society norms a big
"fu*k you I won't conform to your norms"

This is some rebel libertarian politics. I like it.
"gender fluid recognizes no borders or rules"

#genderfluid #trans

Last updated 1 year ago

kinyutaka · @kinyutaka
99 followers · 2051 posts · Server mstdn.social


Bugs has always been a , icon

#genderfluid #pansexual

Last updated 1 year ago

I was a bit absent here lately. I mean ... for 6 months. 😜 What had happened?

I figured out that I'm not a man but actually . It took me 6 years to finally understand this, but since I did, I never doubted my gender anymore.

I feel so happy and free as a genderfluid person. 🥰 Like I finally found myself.

However, I changed my name to an unisex one and thought that my time as Matteo Noel was over ... But it's not. Lately, I feel kinda reconnected to that name.

So I'm back.

#trans #genderfluid

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Sci Fi · @queerscifi
1236 followers · 2277 posts · Server mastodon.otherworldsink.com

Today's queer indie release: E.D.E. Bell's queer fantasy Inkbloom:

Xelle is marked as dragonfriend. Arriving at To’Ever under a veil of unease and an uncertain future, she must redefine herself. Again. Inkbloom continues the story of Night Ivy, a wandering...


@LGBTQBookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon @edebell

#asexual #bisexual #genderfluid #gay #intersex #lesbian #transgencer #demi #polt #fantasy #newrelease #lgbtq #lgbtqia #lgbtqbookstodon #bookstodon #book #books

Last updated 1 year ago

ambly · @ambly
80 followers · 331 posts · Server aus.social

I was on 2mg Estradiol pills for a bit over a month and I had a blood test that showed my levels were very good! Estradiol at 363 pmo/L (very close to 100 pg/mL) and T within the normal female range (I was taking low-dose CPA).

However, my liver wasn't happy so my doctor switched me to, safer, Sandrena gel sachets. I was originally instructed to take half a 1mg sachet every 2 days, but the pharmacist said that was weird and got confirmation that I can take a whole 1mg every 2 days instead.

I later looked online and got conflicting information about equivalent doses for different deliver-E methods. Generally, I think 1mg gel sachet is said to be roughly equivalent to a 2mg pill, but it can vary, and a wiki quote suggests you'd need 3mg to be as effective as a 2mg pill: "Topical estradiol gel at a dosage of 3 mg/day has been reported to be equipotent with 2 mg oral estradiol in terms of therapeutic effects and FSH suppression, as well as to produce similar estradiol levels."

I also found a UK site that specifically listed timing for blood tests, saying it should happen 4-6 hours after taking a pill or applying gel.

A helpful wikipedia page (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmaco) has colourful graphs showing E levels over days/hours after taking it via various routes.

I had my most recent test a bit less than two hours after taking a pill. This may have artificially inflated my level a bit so the 2mg may not have been a sufficient dose for me, but it's difficult to tell because I'm confused by the graphs (or distracted by the colours).

My main concern is that the gel dosage and frequency I am currently taking is not enough, and I just don't know when I should take my blood test for helpful science reasons. If I take it 4-6 hours after application, it'll look high. If I take it 24 hours after (on my off day) it will be very low. (Graphs suggest that levels could be quite low after that time?)

I haven't felt much of anything in the past three weeks on a low dose of gel and I want to make sure I'm working toward a good, consistent level ASAP.

I read somewhere that it's always ethical to manipulate your blood test results if that will help you get the prescription results you want, but I do want to be open with my doctor (I have autism) about my concerns and wanting a higher dose and how I am testing.

I just don't know how long after a once-every-two-days gel application I should get a blood test if I want the data to be useful in my next appointment.

Does anyone with experience with gel and/or HRT blood tests have suggestions?!

(It would be so much easier if patches, with their gradual release and consistent levels over multiple days, weren't in such short supply right now!)

#hrt #transgender #trans #gel #theminisinghormonetherapy #genderfluid #transmissionfluid

Last updated 1 year ago

· @jtb
26 followers · 583 posts · Server toot.wales
Queer Sci Fi · @queerscifi
1220 followers · 2218 posts · Server mastodon.otherworldsink.com

Queer indie review!: Night Ivy by EDE Bell:

"The world-building is seamless, with beautiful details that give a real sense of what the world Xelle lives in is like. I really enjoyed Night Ivy, from start to finish. I need more Xelle."


@lgbtqbookstodon @diversebooks @bookstodon @edebell

#fantasy #neurodivergent #asexual #bisexual #demisexual #gay #genderfluid #intersex #lesbian #nonbinary #transgender #review #bookreview #lgbtq #lgbtqbookstodon #bookstodon #book #books

Last updated 1 year ago

CRK. res rhetorica · @CRKresrhetorica
88 followers · 500 posts · Server literatur.social

Die Geschichte von Eleanor Rykener ist sehr interessant. Die frühneuzeitliche Prostituierte wurde als John Rykener geboren – und bot ihre Dienstleistungen sowohl Männern als auch Frauen an. Wir wissen leider nichts über ihre .

#genderidentitat #genderfluid

Last updated 1 year ago

Denny Kozlov · @dkozlov
282 followers · 1023 posts · Server mstdn.games

Alas, my CrankyBod, the impending hot weather, the uptick in local COVID cases, and the mobility access challenges all convinced me not to stress myself out trying to attend my city's Pride fest today, so I'm showing my pride at home (as I always do anyway).

#pride #spoonie #selfie #nonbinary #genderqueer #transmasc #trans #genderfluid #queerelder #queerselfie #queerspoonie

Last updated 1 year ago

Papigoe :trans_heart: · @KiltedQueer
740 followers · 2051 posts · Server mstdn.social

My spouse told meh aboot the dating app "Her" and that it is also fae non-binary people. Ah am and visibly present as masculine, but inwardly I ahm quite non-binary. Does anyone here use that app and would ah be shunned? is wee ridiculous and the others donnae want types aboot.

#herapp #Queer #grindr #Trans #genderfluid

Last updated 1 year ago

Mic · @mic
66 followers · 1869 posts · Server chitter.xyz

Shaved my body hair and beard to feel more femme, but also wearing my quintessential masc outfit.

Somehow feels right.


Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
330 followers · 12164 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2413 followers · 10722 posts · Server cultofshiv.wtf

Which do you think is the best gender-neutral term for landlord / landlady?

Boosts appreciated to get a larger sample size :BoostsOKPrideSymbol:

Hyphens added to hopefully make the terms pronounceable on screen readers.

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#trans #transgender #enby #nonbinary #agender #bigender #genderfluid #genderqueer #2spirit #language #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia #LGBTQIA2S

Last updated 1 year ago

@Meander1995 Thanks for this. As a person I do find myself wondering if moving forward with the changes I want to make physically is right for me. But this perspective really helps a lot. <3


Last updated 1 year ago

Misty Nozzle :queercat_pan: · @wyndsmir
99 followers · 1193 posts · Server mindly.social

Happy you beautiful lot! Wish I could have made it to the festivities, but I'm there in spirit. 😘 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

#leeds #pride #leedspride #lgbtqia #lgbt #queer #Parade #lesbian #gay #bisexual #transgender #intersex #asexual #pansexual #NonBinary #genderfluid

Last updated 1 year ago

Diary Of A Disabled Person · @Wheelerdax
196 followers · 98 posts · Server disabled.social